
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Prelude.
Require Import TLC.LibLogic.
Require Import TLC.LibLN.

Lemma fv_fold_general : A x (ls : list A) (P : A fset var) base,
    x \notin List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset var) (e : A) ⇒ fv \u P e) ls base
    x \notin base.
  induction ls.
  - introv Hfold. cbn in Hfold. auto.
  - introv Hfold. cbn in Hfold.
    assert (x \notin base \u P a).
    + apply× IHls.
    + auto.

Lemma fv_fold_base : x ls base,
    x \notin List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset var) (T : typ) ⇒ fv \u fv_typ T) ls base
    x \notin base.
  lets*: fv_fold_general.

Lemma fv_fold_base_clause : Z ls base,
    Z \notin List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset var) (cl : Clause) ⇒ fv \u fv_trm (clauseTerm cl)) ls base
    Z \notin base.
  lets*: fv_fold_general (fun clfv_trm (clauseTerm cl)).

Lemma fv_fold_in_general : A Z (e : A) (P : A fset var) ls base,
    Z \notin List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset var) (e' : A) ⇒ fv \u P e') ls base
    List.In e ls
    Z \notin P e.
  induction ls; introv ZIL Lin.
  - false×.
  - apply List.in_inv in Lin.
    destruct Lin.
    + cbn in ZIL.
      apply fv_fold_general in ZIL. subst. auto.
    + apply× IHls.

Lemma fv_fold_in_clause : Z cl ls base,
    Z \notin List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset var) (cl : Clause) ⇒ fv \u fv_trm (clauseTerm cl)) ls base
    List.In cl ls
    Z \notin fv_trm (clauseTerm cl).
  lets*: fv_fold_in_general (fun clfv_trm (clauseTerm cl)) ls.

Lemma fv_fold_in : Z x ls base,
    Z \notin List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset var) (T : typ) ⇒ fv \u fv_typ T) ls base
    List.In x ls
    Z \notin fv_typ x.
  lets*: fv_fold_in_general.

Lemma notin_fold : A B (ls : list A) z x (P : A fset B),
    ( e, List.In e ls x \notin P e)
    x \notin z
    x \notin List.fold_left (fun fv efv \u P e) ls z.
  induction ls; introv FPe Fz; cbn; eauto.
  apply× IHls.
  - eauto with listin.
  - rewrite notin_union; split×.
    eauto with listin.

#[export] Hint Resolve fv_fold_base fv_fold_in fv_fold_general fv_fold_in_general.

Lemma fv_open : T U k,
    fv_typ (open_tt_rec k U T) = (fv_typ T \u fv_typ U)
     fv_typ (open_tt_rec k U T) = fv_typ T.
  induction T using typ_ind'; introv;
    try solve [
          unfold open_tt_rec; crush_compare; cbn; eauto using union_empty_l
        | cbn; eauto
        | cbn; fold (open_tt T1 U); fold (open_tt T2 U);
          rewrite union_distribute;
          apply× subset_union_2
  - cbn.
    lets× IH1: IHT1 U k.
    lets× IH2: IHT2 U k.
    destruct IH1 as [IH1 | IH1];
      destruct IH2 as [IH2 | IH2];
      rewrite IH1; rewrite IH2; eauto.
    + left.
      lets*: union_distribute.
    + left.
      rewrite <- union_assoc.
      rewrite <- union_assoc.
      rewrite (union_comm (fv_typ T2) (fv_typ U)).
    + rewrite union_assoc. eauto.
  - cbn.
    lets× IH1: IHT1 U k.
    lets× IH2: IHT2 U k.
    destruct IH1 as [IH1 | IH1];
      destruct IH2 as [IH2 | IH2];
      rewrite IH1; rewrite IH2; eauto.
    + left. eauto using union_distribute.
    + left.
      rewrite <- union_assoc.
      rewrite <- union_assoc.
      rewrite (union_comm (fv_typ T2) (fv_typ U)).
    + rewrite union_assoc. eauto.
  - cbn.
    induction ls.
    + cbn. eauto.
    + assert (Has: List.Forall
           (fun T : typ
             (U : typ) (k : nat),
            fv_typ (open_tt_rec k U T) = fv_typ T \u fv_typ U
            fv_typ (open_tt_rec k U T) = fv_typ T) ls).
      × rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
        eauto with listin.
      × lets× IH: IHls Has.
        destruct IH as [IH | IH].
        -- left.
           repeat rewrite union_fold_detach in ×.
           rewrite IH.
           rewrite <- union_assoc.
           rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
           lets× Ha: H a U k; eauto with listin.
           destruct Ha as [Ha | Ha].
           ++ rewrite union_distribute.
              rewrite union_assoc.
              f_equal. eauto.
           ++ rewrite <- union_assoc.
              rewrite (union_comm (fv_typ a) (fv_typ U)).
              f_equal. f_equal. eauto.
        -- rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
           lets× Ha: H a U k; eauto with listin.
           destruct Ha as [Ha | Ha].
           ++ left.
              repeat rewrite union_fold_detach.
              rewrite IH.
              rewrite <- union_assoc.
              f_equal. eauto.
           ++ right.
              repeat rewrite union_fold_detach.
              f_equal; eauto.

Lemma fv_smaller : T U k,
    fv_typ (open_tt_rec k U T) \c (fv_typ T \u fv_typ U).
  lets× characterized: fv_open T U k.
  destruct characterized as [Hc | Hc]; rewrite Hc; eauto.

Lemma fv_typs_notin : Ts T X,
    List.In T Ts
    X \notin fv_typs Ts
    X \notin fv_typ T.
  introv Hin Hall.
  induction Ts as [| Th Tt].
  - inversion Hin.
  - lets× Hem: (classicT (Th = T)).
    destruct Hem.
    + subst.
      cbn in Hall.
    + inversion Hin.
      × contradiction.
      × apply× IHTt.
        cbn in Hall. eauto.

Lemma notin_fv_tt_open : Y X T,
    X \notin fv_typ (T open_tt_var Y)
    X \notin fv_typ T.
  unfold open_tt.
  introv FO.
  lets× characterized: fv_open T (typ_fvar Y) 0.
  destruct characterized as [Hc | Hc]; rewrite Hc in FO; eauto.

Lemma fv_smaller_many : As T,
    fv_typ (open_tt_many_var As T) \c (fv_typ T \u from_list As).
  induction As as [| Ah Ats]; introv.
  - cbn. eauto.
  - cbn.
    fold (from_list Ats).
    fold (open_tt_many_var Ats (T open_tt_var Ah)).
    lets IH: IHAts (T open_tt_var Ah).
    intros x xin.
    lets Hin: IH xin.
    rewrite in_union in Hin.
    rewrite union_assoc.
    destruct Hin as [Hin | Hin].
    + lets Hs: fv_smaller T (typ_fvar Ah) 0.
      fold (open_tt T (typ_fvar Ah)) in Hs.
      lets Hf: Hs Hin. cbn in Hf.
      rewrite× in_union.
    + rewrite× in_union.

Lemma fv_open_tt : x T1 T2 k,
    x \notin fv_typ T1
    x \notin fv_typ T2
    x \notin fv_typ (open_tt_rec k T1 T2).
  introv f1 f2.
  unfold open_tt.
  lets [Ho | Ho]: fv_open T2 T1 k; rewrite Ho; eauto.

Lemma fv_open_te : e k x T,
    x \notin fv_trm e
    x \notin fv_typ T
    x \notin fv_trm (open_te_rec k T e).
  induction e using trm_ind'; introv efresh Tfresh;
    try solve [
          cbn in *; eauto
        | cbn in *;
          rewrite notin_union;
          split*; apply× fv_open_tt
  - cbn. cbn in efresh.
    apply notin_fold.
    + intros T' Tin.
      unfold open_typlist_rec in Tin.
      lets Tin2: Tin.
      apply List.in_map_iff in Tin2.
      destruct Tin2 as [T'' [T'eq T''in]].
      apply× fv_open_tt.
    + apply× IHe.
  - cbn in ×.
    apply notin_fold.
    + intros cl clin.
      apply List.in_map_iff in clin.
      destruct clin as [[cl'A cl'T] [cl'eq cl'in]].
      subst. cbn.

      rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
      fold (clauseTerm (clause cl'A cl'T)).
      apply× H.

      fold (clauseTerm (clause cl'A cl'T)).
      apply× fv_fold_in_clause.
    + apply× IHe.
      apply× fv_fold_base_clause.

Lemma fv_open_te_many : Ts e x,
    ( T, List.In T Ts x \notin fv_typ T)
    x \notin fv_trm e
    x \notin fv_trm (open_te_many Ts e).
  induction Ts as [| Th Tts]; introv Tfresh efresh.
  - cbn. trivial.
  - cbn. apply IHTts.
    + introv Tin. eauto with listin.
    + unfold open_te.
      apply fv_open_te; eauto with listin.

Lemma fv_env_extend : E x vk T,
    fv_env (E & x ¬ bind_var vk T) = fv_typ T \u fv_env E.
  rewrite concat_def.
  rewrite single_def.
  fold (fv_env E).

Lemma notin_env_inv : E X x vk T,
    X \notin fv_env (E & x ¬ bind_var vk T)
    X \notin fv_env E X \notin fv_typ T.
  introv Fr.
  rewrite fv_env_extend in Fr.
  rewrite× notin_union in Fr.

Lemma notin_domΔ_eq : D1 D2 X,
    X \notin domΔ (D1 |,| D2)
    X \notin domΔ D1 X \notin domΔ D2.
  induction D2; intros; constructor;
    try solve [cbn in *; intuition]; intro H;
      destruct a; try destruct eq; cbn in *;
        repeat rewrite notin_union in *;
        destruct (IHD2 X) as [IH1 IH2];

Lemma in_domΔ_eq : D1 D2 X,
    X \in domΔ (D1 |,| D2)
    X \in domΔ D1 X \in domΔ D2.
  induction D2; intros; constructor;
    intro H;
    try solve [
          cbn in *; intuition
        | destruct a; try destruct eq; cbn in *;
          repeat rewrite in_union in *;
          destruct (IHD2 X) as [IH1 IH2];
  destruct H.
  - cbn. auto.
  - cbn in H. false× in_empty_inv.

Lemma fold_empty : Ts,
    ( T : typ, List.In T Ts fv_typ T = \{})
    List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset var) (T : typ) ⇒ fv \u fv_typ T) Ts \{} = \{}.
  induction Ts as [ | Th]; introv Fv; cbn; eauto.
  lets× Hempty: Fv Th.
  rewrite Hempty; eauto with listin.
  rewrite union_empty_r.
  eauto with listin.

Lemma in_fold_exists : TV TT P ls Z X,
    X \in List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset TV) (T : TT) ⇒ fv \u P T) ls Z
          ( T, List.In T ls X \in P T) X \in Z.
  induction ls; introv Hin.
  - right.
    cbn in ×. eauto.
  - cbn in Hin.
    lets× IH: IHls (Z \u P a) X Hin.
    destruct IH as [IH | IH].
    + destruct IH as [T [Tin PT]].
      left. T. eauto with listin.
    + rewrite in_union in IH.
      destruct IH as [IH | IH]; eauto with listin.

Lemma fv_subst_tt : X Z P T,
    X \notin fv_typ T
    X \notin fv_typ P
    X \notin fv_typ (subst_tt Z P T).
  induction T using typ_ind'; introv FT FP; cbn in *; auto.
  - case_if×.
  - apply notin_fold.
    + intros T Tin.
      apply List.in_map_iff in Tin.
      destruct Tin as [U [? ?]]. subst.
      rewrite List.Forall_forall in H.
      apply× H.
    + auto.

Lemma fv_env_subst : X Z P E,
    X \notin fv_env E
    X \notin fv_typ P
    X \notin fv_env (map (subst_tb Z P) E).
  induction E using env_ind.
  - rewrite map_empty. auto.
  - destruct v as [T]; lets [? ?]: notin_env_inv H.
    rewrite map_concat.
    rewrite map_single.
    rewrite fv_env_extend.
    rewrite notin_union.
    + apply× fv_subst_tt.
    + apply× IHE.

Lemma notin_dom_tc_vars : As x,
    x \notin from_list As
    x \notin domΔ (tc_vars As).
  induction As; introv Hin; cbn in *; auto.
  rewrite notin_union. split; auto.
  fold (tc_vars As).
  apply IHAs.
  fold (from_list As) in Hin.

Lemma notin_env_binds:
   (Z : var) (E : env bind) (x : var) vk (T : typ),
    binds x (bind_var vk T) E
    Z \notin fv_env E Z \notin fv_typ T.
  induction E using env_ind; introv Hbind FE.
  - false× binds_empty_inv.
  - lets [[? ?] | [? ?]]: binds_push_inv Hbind; subst;
      try destruct v; lets× [? ?]: notin_env_inv FE.

Lemma domDelta_in:
   (Δ : typctx) (X : var), List.In (tc_var X) Δ \{ X} \c domΔ Δ.
  induction Δ; introv Hin.
  - inversion Hin.
  - cbn in Hin.
    destruct Hin as [Hin | Hin].
    + subst. cbn. eauto.
    + cbn. destruct a.
      × assert (\{ X } \c domΔ Δ).
        -- apply¬ IHΔ.
        -- introv HX.
           rewrite in_union.
      × destruct eq.
        introv In.
        repeat rewrite in_union.
        repeat right.
        apply× IHΔ.

Lemma subset_fold : T U P Xs E C,
    ( x : T, List.In x Xs P x \c C)
    E \c C
    List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset U) (x : T) ⇒ fv \u P x) Xs E \c C.
  induction Xs; introv HXs HE;
    cbn; auto.
  apply IHXs.
  - auto with listin.
  - rewrite <- union_same.
    lets Hsu: subset_union_2 E (P a) C C.
    apply¬ Hsu.
    auto with listin.

Lemma wft_gives_fv : Σ Δ T,
    wft Σ Δ T
    fv_typ T \c domΔ Δ.
  induction 1; cbn; eauto;
    try solve [
          rewrite <- union_same;
          lets Hsu: subset_union_2 (fv_typ T1) (fv_typ T2) (domΔ Δ) (domΔ Δ);
          apply ¬Hsu
  - unfold is_var_defined in H.
    apply¬ domDelta_in.
  - introv Hx.
    pick_fresh X.
    assert (Fr2: X \notin L); auto.
    assert (x X); auto.
    lets IH: H0 Fr2.
    lets Hopen: fv_open T2 (typ_fvar X) 0.
    fold (T2 open_tt_var X) in Hopen.
    destruct Hopen as [Ho | Ho].
    + rewrite Ho in IH.
      assert (Hu: x \in fv_typ T2 \u fv_typ (typ_fvar X)).
      × rewrite¬ in_union.
      × lets Hd: IH Hu.
        apply in_domΔ_eq in Hd.
        destruct¬ Hd as [? | Hd].
        cbn in Hd.
        rewrite union_empty_r in Hd.
        rewrite in_singleton in Hd.
    + rewrite Ho in IH.
      lets Hd: IH Hx.
      apply in_domΔ_eq in Hd.
      destruct Hd as [| Hd]; auto.
      cbn in Hd.
      rewrite union_empty_r in Hd.
      rewrite in_singleton in Hd.
  - apply¬ subset_fold.

Lemma equations_have_no_dom : Deqs,
    ( eq, List.In eq Deqs ϵ, eq = tc_eq ϵ)
    domΔ Deqs = \{}.
  induction Deqs; cbn; auto; destruct a; intros.
  - lets HF: H (tc_var A).
    false¬ HF.
  - apply IHDeqs.
    intros. auto.

Lemma subst_match_notin_srcs2 : O X U,
    List.In (X, U) O
    X \in substitution_sources O.
  induction O; introv Hin.
  - inversion Hin.
  - cbn in Hin.
    destruct Hin.
    + subst. cbn. rewrite in_union. left. apply in_singleton_self.
    + cbn.
      rewrite in_union. right. fold_subst_src.
      apply× IHO.

Lemma subst_src_app : O1 O2,
    substitution_sources (O1 |,| O2) = substitution_sources O1 \u substitution_sources O2.
  induction O2.
  - cbn. fold_subst_src.
    rewrite¬ union_empty_r.
  - cbn. fold_subst_src.
    rewrite IHO2.
    repeat rewrite union_assoc.
    rewrite¬ (union_comm \{ fst a}).

Lemma substitution_sources_from_in : O A T,
    List.In (A, T) O
    A \in substitution_sources O.
  induction O; introv Oin; cbn in ×.
  - false.
  - fold_subst_src.
    rewrite in_union.
    destruct Oin.
    + subst. cbn.
      left. apply in_singleton_self.
    + right. apply× IHO.

Lemma fv_delta_app : D1 D2,
    fv_delta (D1 |,| D2) = fv_delta D1 \u fv_delta D2.
  induction D2 as [| [X | [T1 T2]]];
    cbn; auto using union_empty_r.
  rewrite IHD2.
  repeat rewrite union_assoc.
  rewrite union_comm.
  repeat rewrite union_assoc.

Lemma fv_delta_alphas : As,
    fv_delta (tc_vars As) = \{}.
  induction As; cbn; auto.

Lemma fv_delta_equations : A Ts Us,
    ( T, List.In T Ts A \notin fv_typ T)
    ( U, List.In U Us A \notin fv_typ U)
    A \notin fv_delta (equations_from_lists Ts Us).
  induction Ts as [| T Ts]; cbn; introv FrT FrU; auto.
  destruct Us as [| U Us]; cbn; auto.
  repeat rewrite notin_union.
  split; auto with listin.

Lemma fold_left_subset_base : T U P As B,
    B \c List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset U) (x : T) ⇒ fv \u P x) As B.
  induction As; introv; cbn; auto.
  lets IH: IHAs (B \u P a).
  apply subset_transitive with (B \u P a); auto.

Lemma fold_left_subset : T A P As B,
    List.In A As
    P A \c List.fold_left (fun (fv : fset var) (x : T) ⇒ fv \u P x) As B.
  induction As; introv In.
  - inversion In.
  - inversions In.
    + cbn.
      apply subset_transitive with (B \u P A);
        auto using fold_left_subset_base.
    + cbn.
      apply¬ IHAs.

Lemma domDelta_app : D1 D2,
    domΔ (D1 |,| D2) = domΔ D1 \u domΔ D2.
  induction D2 as [| [|]]; cbn; auto.
  - rewrite¬ union_empty_r.
  - rewrite union_comm.
    rewrite (union_comm (\{A})).
    rewrite IHD2.
    rewrite¬ union_assoc.

Lemma distinct_split1 : O1 O2,
    DistinctList ( fst O1 |,| fst O2)
    substitution_sources O1 \n substitution_sources O2 = \{}.
  induction O2 as [| [A U]]; cbn; introv D; fold_subst_src.
  - apply inter_empty_r.
  - inversions D.
    lets SS: IHO2 H2.
    rewrite inter_comm.
    rewrite union_distributes.
    rewrite inter_comm in SS.
    rewrite SS.
    rewrite union_empty_r.
    apply¬ fset_extens.
    intros x HF.
    rewrite in_inter in HF. destruct HF as [HF1 HF2].
    rewrite in_singleton in HF1. subst.
    apply H1.
    apply List.in_or_app. right.
    gen HF2. clear. intro H.
    induction O1 as [| [X V]]; cbn in ×.
    + apply× in_empty_inv.
    + fold_subst_src.
      rewrite in_union in H. destruct H as [H | H].
      × left. rewrite¬ in_singleton in H.
      × right¬.

Lemma sources_list_fst : A O,
  List.In A ( fst O)
  A \in substitution_sources O.
  induction O as [| [X V]]; cbn; introv In; fold_subst_src.
  - false.
  - destruct In; subst; rewrite in_union.
    + left. apply in_singleton_self.
    + right¬.

Lemma subst_td_alphas : Z P As, (subst_td Z P) (tc_vars As) =
    tc_vars As.
  induction As; cbn; auto.
  rewrite List.map_map.

Lemma domDelta_subst_td : Δ Z P,
    domΔ Δ = domΔ ( (subst_td Z P) Δ).
  induction Δ as [| [| []]]; eauto; introv; cbn.
  f_equal. auto.

Lemma notin_domDelta_subst_td : x Δ Z P,
  x \notin domΔ Δ
  x \notin domΔ ( (subst_td Z P) Δ).
  induction Δ as [| [|[]]]; introv FR; cbn in *; auto.