
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.
Require Import TLC.LibTactics.
Require Import Psatz.
Open Scope list_scope.

Section Zip.
  Variables A B:Type.
  Variable R : A B Prop.

  Fixpoint zip la lb : list (A × B) :=
  match la,lb with
  | a::lla, b::llb(a,b) :: zip lla llb
  | _, _nil

  Fixpoint zipWith {C} (f : A B C) la lb : list C :=
    match la,lb with
    | a::lla, b::llb(f a b) :: zipWith f lla llb
    | _, _nil

  Lemma zipWithIsMappedZip : C (f : A B C) la lb,
      zipWith f la lb = map (fun p: A×Blet (a,b) := p in f a b) (zip la lb).
    induction la; intros; cbn; auto.
    destruct lb; auto.
    cbn. f_equal. auto.

  Lemma F2_iff_In_zip : la lb,
    Forall2 R la lb (length la = length lb a b, In (a,b) (zip la lb) R a b).
    intros la lb.
    - generalize la lb.
      induction 1; simpl; intuition; congruence.
    - generalize la lb.
      induction la0; intros lb0 [Hlen HzipR].
      + destruct lb0.
        × econstructor.
        × cbn in Hlen. congruence.
      + destruct lb0.
        × cbn in Hlen. congruence.
        × econstructor.
          -- apply HzipR. econstructor. eauto.
          -- apply IHla0.
             ++ cbn in Hlen. congruence.
             ++ intros.
                apply HzipR.
                cbn. eauto.

  Lemma F2_from_zip : la lb,
      length la = length lb
      ( a b, In (a,b) (zip la lb) R a b)
      Forall2 R la lb.
    apply F2_iff_In_zip.

End Zip.

Ltac listin :=
  match goal with
  | |- List.In ?e (?h :: ?t) ⇒
    cbn; solve [right× | left*]

#[export] Hint Extern 4 (List.In _ (_ :: _)) ⇒ (cbn; solve [left× | right*]) : listin.

Lemma forall2_from_snd : T1 T2 (P : T1 T2 Prop) (As : list T1) (Bs : list T2) (B : T2),
    List.Forall2 P As Bs
    List.In B Bs
     A, (List.In A As List.In (A,B) (zip As Bs) P A B).
  induction 1.
  - intros. contradiction.
  - introv Bin.
    inversions Bin.
    + x. splits×.
      × eauto with listin.
      × constructor×.
    + lets [A [InA PA]]: IHForall2 H1.
       A. splits×.
      × eauto with listin.
      × cbn. right×.

Lemma forall2_from_snd_zip : T1 T2 (P : T1 T2 Prop) (As : list T1) (Bs : list T2) (B : T2),
    length As = length Bs
    ( a b, In (a,b) (zip As Bs) P a b)
    List.In B Bs
     A, (List.In A As List.In (A,B) (zip As Bs) P A B).
  eapply forall2_from_snd; eauto.
  apply F2_iff_In_zip. eauto.

Lemma nth_error_implies_zip : AT BT (As : list AT) (Bs : list BT) i A,
    List.nth_error As i = Some A
    List.length As = List.length Bs
     B, List.nth_error Bs i = Some B List.In (A, B) (zip As Bs).
  induction As as [| Ah Ats]; introv ntherror lengtheq.
  - lets: List.nth_error_In ntherror.
  - destruct Bs as [| Bh Bts]; cbn in lengtheq; try lia.
    destruct i.
    + cbn in ntherror.
      assert (Ah = A); try congruence; subst.
      cbn. left×.
    + cbn in ntherror.
      assert (Hlen: length Ats = length Bts); eauto.
      lets× IH: IHAts ntherror Hlen.
      destruct IH as [B [Bnth Binzip]].
      cbn. right×.

Lemma zip_swap : AT BT As Bs (A : AT) (B : BT),
    List.In (A,B) (zip As Bs)
    List.In (B,A) (zip Bs As).
  induction As; intros; destruct Bs; cbn in *; try congruence.
  destruct H.
  - inversions H. left×.
  - right×.

Lemma nth_error_implies_zip_swap : AT BT (As : list AT) (Bs : list BT) i B,
    List.nth_error Bs i = Some B
    List.length As = List.length Bs
     A, List.nth_error As i = Some A List.In (A, B) (zip As Bs).
  lets [A ?]: nth_error_implies_zip As H.
  - symmetry. trivial.
  - A. split×. apply× zip_swap.

Lemma nth_error_zip_split : i AT BT (As : list AT) (Bs : list BT) A B,
    List.nth_error (zip As Bs) i = Some (A, B)
    List.nth_error As i = Some A List.nth_error Bs i = Some B.
  induction i; destruct As; destruct Bs; intros; try (cbn in *; congruence).
  - cbn in ×. inversions H; eauto.
  - cbn in ×.
    lets× IH: IHi H.

Lemma nth_error_zip_merge : i AT BT (As : list AT) (Bs : list BT) A B,
    List.nth_error As i = Some A List.nth_error Bs i = Some B
    List.nth_error (zip As Bs) i = Some (A, B).
  induction i; destruct As; destruct Bs; introv [Ha Hb]; try (inversions Ha; inversions Hb; cbn in *; congruence).
  cbn in ×.
  apply× IHi.

Lemma Inzip_to_nth_error : AT BT (As : list AT) (Bs : list BT) A B,
    List.In (A, B) (zip As Bs)
     i, List.nth_error As i = Some A List.nth_error Bs i = Some B.
  introv inzip.
  lets× [i Hin]: List.In_nth_error inzip.
  lets*: nth_error_zip_split Hin.

Lemma Inzip_from_nth_error : AT BT (As : list AT) (Bs : list BT) A B i,
    List.nth_error As i = Some A
    List.nth_error Bs i = Some B
    List.In (A, B) (zip As Bs).
  introv HA HB.
  apply List.nth_error_In with i.
  apply× nth_error_zip_merge.

Lemma nth_error_map : i A B (F : A B) (ls : list A) (b : B),
    List.nth_error ( F ls) i = Some b
     a, (List.nth_error ls i = Some a F a = b).
  induction i; destruct ls; introv Hnth_map; try (cbn in *; congruence).
  - cbn in ×.
    inversions Hnth_map. a. eauto.
  - cbn in ×.

Lemma fst_from_zip : AT BT (A : AT) (B : BT) As Bs,
    In (A,B) (zip As Bs)
    In A As.
  induction As as [| Ah Ats]; destruct Bs as [| Bh Bts]; introv Inz; try contradiction.
  cbn in ×.
  destruct Inz as [Heq | Hin]; try inversion Heq; eauto.

Lemma snd_from_zip : AT BT (A : AT) (B : BT) As Bs,
    In (A,B) (zip As Bs)
    In B Bs.
  induction As as [| Ah Ats]; destruct Bs as [| Bh Bts]; introv Inz; try contradiction.
  cbn in ×.
  destruct Inz as [Heq | Hin]; try inversion Heq; eauto.