
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import GMuAnnot.Prelude.
Require Import GMuAnnot.InfrastructureFV.
Require Import GMuAnnot.InfrastructureOpen.
Require Import TLC.LibLogic.
Require Import TLC.LibLN.
(* large portions of this are based on the TLC formalisation of FSub *)

Lemma subst_tt_fresh : Z U T,
  Z \notin fv_typ T subst_tt Z U T = T.
  induction T using typ_ind' ; simpl; intros; f_equal×.
  - case_var×.
  - symmetry.
    apply map_id.
    introv Lin.
    apply× Hforall.

Substitution distributes on the open operation.

Lemma subst_tt_open_tt_rec : T1 T2 X P n, type P
  subst_tt X P (open_tt_rec n T2 T1) =
  open_tt_rec n (subst_tt X P T2) (subst_tt X P T1).
  introv WP. generalize n.
  induction T1 using typ_ind' ; intros k; simpls; f_equal×.
  - crush_compare.
  - case_var×. rewrite× <- open_tt_rec_type.
  - rewrite× List.map_map.
    rewrite× List.map_map.
    apply List.map_ext_in.
    introv Lin.
    apply× Hforall.

Lemma subst_tt_open_tt : T1 T2 X P, type P
  subst_tt X P (open_tt T1 T2) =
  open_tt (subst_tt X P T1) (subst_tt X P T2).
  unfold open_tt. autos× subst_tt_open_tt_rec.

Substitution and open_var for distinct names commute.

Lemma subst_tt_open_tt_var : X Y U T, Y X type U
  (subst_tt X U T) open_tt_var Y = subst_tt X U (T open_tt_var Y).
  introv Neq Wu. rewrite× subst_tt_open_tt.
  simpl. case_var×.

Opening up a body t with a type u is the same as opening up the abstraction with a fresh name x and then substituting u for x.

Lemma subst_tt_intro : X T2 U,
  X \notin fv_typ T2 type U
  open_tt T2 U = subst_tt X U (T2 open_tt_var X).
  introv Fr Wu. rewrite× subst_tt_open_tt.
  rewrite× subst_tt_fresh. simpl. case_var×.

Lemma subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens : Xs T V Y,
    ( X, List.In X Xs X Y)
    type V
    subst_tt Y V (open_tt_many_var Xs T) =
    (open_tt_many_var Xs (subst_tt Y V T)).
  induction Xs as [| Xh Xt]; introv Hneq Htyp.
  - cbn. eauto.
  - cbn.
    fold (open_tt_many_var Xt (T open_tt_var Xh)).
    fold (open_tt_many_var Xt (subst_tt Y V T open_tt_var Xh)).
    rewrite× subst_tt_open_tt_var; eauto with listin.

Lemma subst_intro_commutes_opens : Xs T Y V,
    Y \notin fv_typ T
    ( X, List.In X Xs X Y)
    type V
    open_tt_many_var Xs (open_tt T V) =
    subst_tt Y V (open_tt_many_var Xs (T open_tt_var Y)).
  induction Xs as [| Xh Xt]; introv Hfv Hneq Htyp.
  - cbn. apply× subst_tt_intro.
  - cbn.
    fold (open_tt_many_var Xt (open_tt T V open_tt_var Xh)).
    fold (open_tt_many_var Xt ((T open_tt_var Y) open_tt_var Xh)).
    rewrite× subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens.
    rewrite× <- subst_tt_open_tt_var.
    + rewrite× <- subst_tt_intro.
    + apply× Hneq. cbn; eauto.
    + eauto with listin.

Lemma sublist_tail_prop : A (Uh : A) (Ut : list A) (P : A Prop),
  ( U : A, List.In U (Uh :: Ut) P U)
   U : A, List.In U Ut P U.
  introv Hbigger Hin.
  apply× Hbigger.

Lemma sublist_head_prop : A (Uh : A) (Ut : list A) (P : A Prop),
  ( U : A, List.In U (Uh :: Ut) P U)
  P Uh.
  introv Hbigger.
  apply× Hbigger.

Lemma subst_tt_intro_many : Xs T Us,
    length Xs = length Us
    DistinctList Xs
    ( X, List.In X Xs X \notin fv_typ T)
    ( X U, List.In X Xs List.In U Us X \notin fv_typ U)
    ( U, List.In U Us type U)
    open_tt_many Us T = subst_tt_many Xs Us (open_tt_many_var Xs T).
  induction Xs as [| Xh Xt]; introv Hleneq Hdistinct HXfv HXUfv XUtyp.
  - destruct Us.
    + cbv. trivial.
    + inversions Hleneq.
  - destruct Us as [| Uh Ut].
    + inversions Hleneq.
    + cbn.
      fold (open_tt_many_var Xt (T open_tt_var Xh)).
      rewrite× <- subst_intro_commutes_opens; eauto with listin.
      × apply× IHXt; try solve [intuition; eauto with listin].
        -- inversion× Hdistinct.
        -- introv XiXt.
           lets× Hless: fv_smaller T Uh 0.
           fold (open_tt T Uh) in Hless.
           intro Hin.
           apply Hless in Hin.
           rewrite in_union in Hin.
           destruct Hin as [Hin | Hin].
           ++ apply× HXfv. listin.
           ++ apply× HXUfv; listin.
      × inversions Hdistinct.
        introv XiXt.
        intro. subst. contradiction.

Substitution for a fresh name is identity.

Lemma subst_te_fresh : X U e,
  X \notin fv_trm e subst_te X U e = e.
  induction e using trm_ind'; simpl; intros; f_equal*; autos× subst_tt_fresh.
  - symmetry.
    apply map_id. introv Lin.
    apply× subst_tt_fresh.
  - apply× IHe.
    rewrite notin_union in H0.
    destruct H0.
    lets*: fv_fold_general H0.
  - unfold map_clause_trm_trm.
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
    rewrite <- List.map_id.
    apply List.map_ext_in.
    intros cl clin.
    lets× Heq: H cl clin.
    destruct cl.
    apply× Heq.
    rewrite notin_union in H0.
    destruct H0.
    lets*: fv_fold_in_clause.

Substitution distributes on the open operation.

Lemma subst_te_open_te : e T X U, type U
  subst_te X U (open_te e T) =
  open_te (subst_te X U e) (subst_tt X U T).
  intros. unfold open_te. generalize 0.
  induction e using trm_ind'; intro n0; simpls; f_equal*;
    autos× subst_tt_open_tt_rec.
  - unfold open_typlist_rec.
    rewrite List.map_map.
    rewrite List.map_map.
    apply List.map_ext.
    apply× H0.
  - unfold map_clause_trm_trm.
    repeat rewrite List.map_map.
    apply List.map_ext_in.
    intros cl clin.
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
    lets× Heq: H0 cl clin.
    destruct cl.

Substitution and open_var for distinct names commute.

Lemma subst_te_open_te_var : X Y U e, Y X type U
  (subst_te X U e) open_te_var Y = subst_te X U (e open_te_var Y).
  introv Neq Wu. rewrite× subst_te_open_te.
  simpl. case_var×.

Opening up a body t with a type u is the same as opening up the abstraction with a fresh name x and then substituting u for x.

Lemma subst_te_intro : X U e,
  X \notin fv_trm e type U
  open_te e U = subst_te X U (e open_te_var X).
  introv Fr Wu. rewrite× subst_te_open_te.
  rewrite× subst_te_fresh. simpl. case_var×.

Substitution for a fresh name is identity.
Lemma subst_ee_fresh : x k u e,
  x \notin fv_trm e subst_ee x k u e = e.
  induction e using trm_ind'; simpl; intros; f_equal×.
  - case_if×.
    inversions C.
    false× in_singleton_self.
  - apply IHe.
    rewrite notin_union in H0.
    destruct H0.
    lets*: fv_fold_base_clause.
  - unfold map_clause_trm_trm.
    rewrite <- List.map_id.
    apply List.map_ext_in.
    intros cl clin.
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
    lets× Heq: H clin.
    unfold clauseTerm in Heq.
    lets Hfv: fv_fold_in_clause.
    lets× Hfv2: Hfv cl clauses.
    unfold clauseTerm in Hfv2.
    destruct cl.
    apply Heq.
    rewrite notin_union in H0.
    destruct H0.
    apply× Hfv2.

Substitution distributes on the open operation.
Lemma subst_ee_open_ee : t1 t2 u k x, term u
  subst_ee x k u (open_ee t1 t2) =
  open_ee (subst_ee x k u t1) (subst_ee x k u t2).
  intros. unfold open_ee. generalize 0.
  induction t1 using trm_ind'; intro n0; simpls; f_equal×.
  - crush_eq.
  - case_if×. rewrite× <- open_ee_rec_term.
  - unfold map_clause_trm_trm.
    repeat rewrite List.map_map.
    apply List.map_ext_in.
    intros cl clin.
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
    lets× IH: H0 clin.
    destruct cl.

Substitution and open_var for distinct names commute.
Lemma subst_ee_open_ee_var : vk x y k u e, y x term u
  open_ee (subst_ee x k u e) (trm_fvar vk y) = subst_ee x k u (open_ee e (trm_fvar vk y)).
  introv Neq Wu. rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee.
  simpl. case_if×.

Opening up a body t with a type u is the same as opening up the abstraction with a fresh name x and then substituting u for x.

Lemma subst_ee_intro : vk x u e,
  x \notin fv_trm e term u
  open_ee e u = subst_ee x vk u (open_ee e (trm_fvar vk x)).
  introv Fr Wu. rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee.
  rewrite× subst_ee_fresh. simpl. case_if×.

Interactions between type substitutions in terms and opening with term variables in terms.

Lemma subst_te_open_ee_var : Z P vk x e,
  open_ee (subst_te Z P e) (trm_fvar vk x) = subst_te Z P (open_ee e (trm_fvar vk x)).
  introv. unfold open_ee. generalize 0.
  induction e using trm_ind'; intros; simpl; f_equal×.
  - crush_eq.
  - unfold map_clause_trm_trm.
    repeat rewrite List.map_map.
    apply List.map_ext_in.
    intros cl clin.
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
    lets× IH: H clin.
    destruct cl.

Interactions between term substitutions in terms and opening with type variables in terms.

Lemma subst_ee_open_te_var : z k u e X, term u
  (subst_ee z k u e) open_te_var X = subst_ee z k u (e open_te_var X).
  introv. unfold open_te. generalize 0.
  induction e using trm_ind'; intros; simpl; f_equal×.
  - case_if×. symmetry. autos× open_te_rec_term.
  - unfold map_clause_trm_trm.
    repeat rewrite List.map_map.
    apply List.map_ext_in.
    intros cl clin.
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
    lets× IH: H clin.
    destruct cl.

Substitutions preserve local closure.

Lemma subst_map_reverse_type : Tparams Z P,
    type P
    ( Tparam : typ,
        List.In Tparam Tparams type P type (subst_tt Z P Tparam))
     Tparam : typ, List.In Tparam ( (subst_tt Z P) Tparams) type Tparam.
  introv HP HTP.
  introv Tin.
  apply List.in_map_iff in Tin.
  destruct Tin as [T Tand].
  destruct Tand as [Teq Tin].
  rewrite <- Teq.
  apply× HTP.

Lemma subst_tt_type : T Z P,
  type T type P type (subst_tt Z P T).
  induction 1; intros; simpl; auto.
  - case_var×.
  - apply_fresh× type_all as X. rewrite× subst_tt_open_tt_var.
  - econstructor.
    apply× subst_map_reverse_type.

Lemma subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens_te_te : Xs e V Y,
    ( X, List.In X Xs X Y)
    type V
    subst_te Y V (open_te_many_var Xs e) =
    (open_te_many_var Xs (subst_te Y V e)).
  induction Xs as [| Xh Xt]; introv Hneq Htyp.
  - cbn. eauto.
  - cbn.
    fold (open_te_many_var Xt (e open_te_var Xh)).
    fold (open_te_many_var Xt (subst_te Y V e open_te_var Xh)).
    rewrite× subst_te_open_te_var; eauto with listin.

Lemma subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens_te_ee : Xs e v y k,
    term v
    subst_ee y k v (open_te_many_var Xs e) =
    (open_te_many_var Xs (subst_ee y k v e)).
  induction Xs as [| Xh Xt]; introv Htyp.
  - cbn. eauto.
  - cbn.
    fold (open_te_many_var Xt (e open_te_var Xh)).
    fold (open_te_many_var Xt (subst_ee y k v e open_te_var Xh)).
    rewrite× subst_ee_open_te_var; eauto with listin.

Lemma subst_te_term : e Z P,
    term e type P term (subst_te Z P e)
with subst_te_value : e Z P,
    value e type P value (subst_te Z P e).
  - lets: subst_tt_type. induction 1; intros; cbn; auto.
    + constructor×.
      apply× subst_map_reverse_type.
    + apply_fresh× term_abs as x. rewrite× subst_te_open_ee_var.
    + apply_fresh× term_tabs as x.
      rewrite× subst_te_open_te_var.
      rewrite× subst_te_open_te_var.
    + apply_fresh× term_fix as x.
      rewrite× subst_te_open_ee_var.
      rewrite× subst_te_open_ee_var.
    + apply_fresh× term_let as x. rewrite× subst_te_open_ee_var.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      intros cl clinmap Alphas x Hlen Hdist Afresh xfresh xfreshA.
      destruct cl as [clA clT].
      unfold map_clause_trm_trm in clinmap.
      lets cl2: clinmap.
      apply List.in_map_iff in cl2.
      destruct cl2 as [[cl'A cl'T] [cl'eq cl'in]].
      inversion cl'eq. subst.
      lets× IH: H2 cl'in Alphas x Hlen Hdist.
      cbn in IH.
      instantiate (1:=(L \u \{ Z })) in Afresh.
      assert (Hpull:
          open_te_many_var Alphas (subst_te Z P cl'T) open_ee_varlam x
          subst_te Z P (open_te_many_var Alphas cl'T open_ee_varlam x)
      × rewrite <- subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens_te_te.
        rewrite× subst_te_open_ee_var.
        -- intros A AAlpha.
           assert (A \notin L \u \{ Z }); solve [apply× Afresh | eauto].
        -- eauto.
      × rewrite Hpull.
        apply× IH.
        introv Ain.
        assert (A \notin L \u \{ Z}); eauto.
  - lets: subst_tt_type; induction 1; intros; cbn; auto;
      match goal with
      | H: term _ |- _rename H into Hterm end.
    + apply value_abs.
      inversions Hterm.
      apply_fresh× term_abs as x.
      rewrite× subst_te_open_ee_var.
    + apply value_tabs. inversion Hterm.
      apply_fresh× term_tabs as x.
      rewrite× subst_te_open_te_var.
      rewrite× subst_te_open_te_var.
    + constructor×.
      inversions Hterm.
    + constructor×.
      × apply× value_is_term.
      × apply× subst_map_reverse_type.
        inversion× Hterm.

(* this may be problematic as I now require e2 to be value not only term, but maybe it will be enough? *)
Lemma subst_ee_term : e1 Z e2 k,
    term e1 value e2 term (subst_ee Z k e2 e1)
with subst_ee_value : e1 Z e2 k,
    value e1 value e2 value (subst_ee Z k e2 e1).
  - induction 1; intros; simpl; auto.
    + case_if×. apply¬ value_regular.
    + apply_fresh× term_abs as y. rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var.
      apply¬ value_regular.
    + apply_fresh× term_tabs as Y; rewrite× subst_ee_open_te_var;
        apply¬ value_regular.
    + apply_fresh× term_fix as y; rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var;
        apply¬ value_regular.
    + apply_fresh× term_let as y. rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var;
                                    apply¬ value_regular.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      intros cl clinmap Alphas x Hlen Hdist Afresh xfresh xfreshA.
      destruct cl as [clA clT].
      unfold map_clause_trm_trm in clinmap.
      lets cl2: clinmap.
      apply List.in_map_iff in cl2.
      destruct cl2 as [[cl'A cl'T] [cl'eq cl'in]].
      inversion cl'eq. subst.
      lets× IH: H1 cl'in Alphas x Hlen Hdist.
      cbn in IH.
      instantiate (1:=(L \u \{ Z })) in Afresh.
      rewrite× <- subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens_te_ee.
      × rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var.
        apply× IH.
        intros A AAlpha.
        assert (A \notin L \u \{ Z }); solve [apply× Afresh | eauto].
        apply¬ value_regular.
      × apply¬ value_regular.
  - induction 1; intros; simpl; auto;
      try match goal with
      | H: term (trm_abs _ _) |- _rename H into Hterm
      | H: term (trm_tabs _) |- _rename H into Hterm
    + apply value_abs. inversions Hterm.
      apply_fresh× term_abs as y. rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var.
      apply¬ value_regular.
    + apply value_tabs; inversions Hterm.
      apply_fresh× term_tabs as Y; rewrite× subst_ee_open_te_var;
        apply¬ value_regular.
    + case_if¬.
    + inversions H1.
    + econstructor.
      × econstructor.
        -- apply× value_is_term.
        -- inversion× H.
      × apply× IHvalue.

(* Lemma adding_free_is_ok : forall A E F, *)
(*     ok (E & F) -> *)
(*     A  E -> *)
(*     A  F -> *)
(*     ok (E & (withtyp A) & F)*)
(*   induction F using env_ind; introv Hok HE HF. *)
(*   - rewrite concat_empty_r. *)
(*     constructor*. *)
(*   - rewrite concat_assoc. *)
(*     rewrite concat_assoc in Hok. *)
(*     apply ok_push_inv in Hok. *)
(*     econstructor. *)
(*     + apply* IHF. *)
(*     + simpl_dom. *)
(*       rewrite notin_union. *)
(*       rewrite notin_union. *)
(*       split*. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma adding_free_is_ok_many : forall As E F, *)
(*     ok (E & F) -> *)
(*     DistinctList As -> *)
(*     (forall A, List.In A As -> A \notin dom E) -> *)
(*     (forall A, List.In A As -> A \notin dom F) -> *)
(*     ok (add_types E As & F). *)
(*   induction As as | Ah Ats; introv Hok HD HE HF. *)
(*   - cbn. eauto. *)
(*   - cbn. *)
(*     rewrite <- concat_assoc. *)
(*     apply IHAts; eauto with listin. *)
(*     + rewrite concat_assoc. *)
(*       apply adding_free_is_ok; eauto with listin. *)
(*     + inversion* HD. *)
(*     + introv Hin. *)
(*       simpl_dom. *)
(*       rewrite notin_union. *)
(*       split. *)
(*       * apply* notin_singleton. *)
(*         inversions HD. *)
(*         intro; subst. contradiction. *)
(*       * eauto with listin. *)
(* Qed. *)

Lemma subst_idempotent : U Z P,
    Z \notin fv_typ P
    subst_tt Z P U = subst_tt Z P (subst_tt Z P U).
  induction U using typ_ind'; introv FV; try solve [cbn; eauto].
  - cbn.
    + rewrite× subst_tt_fresh.
    + cbn. case_if. eauto.
  - cbn.
    rewrite× <- IHU1.
    rewrite× <- IHU2.
  - cbn.
    rewrite× <- IHU1.
    rewrite× <- IHU2.
  - cbn.
    rewrite× <- IHU.
  - cbn. f_equal.
    rewrite List.map_map.
    apply× List.map_ext_in.
    introv ain.
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.

Lemma subst_idempotent_through_many_open : Tts Z U P,
    type P
    Z \notin fv_typ P
    subst_tt Z P (open_tt_many Tts U) =
    subst_tt Z P (open_tt_many Tts (subst_tt Z P U)).
  induction Tts; introv TP FV.
  - cbn. apply× subst_idempotent.
  - cbn.
    rewrite× IHTts.
    rewrite× (IHTts Z (open_tt (subst_tt Z P U) a) P).
    f_equal. f_equal.
    repeat rewrite× subst_tt_open_tt.
    apply× subst_idempotent.

Lemma subst_removes_var : T U Z,
    Z \notin fv_typ U
    Z \notin fv_typ (subst_tt Z U T).
  induction T using typ_ind'; introv FU; cbn; eauto.
  - case_if; cbn; eauto.
  - rewrite list_fold_map.
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
    apply× notin_fold.

Lemma subst_commutes_open_tt_many : Ts Z P U,
    type P
    Z \notin fv_typ P
    Z \notin fv_typ U
    subst_tt Z P (open_tt_many Ts U) =
    open_tt_many ( (subst_tt Z P) Ts) U.
  induction Ts as [| Th Tts]; introv TP FP FU.
  - cbn. apply× subst_tt_fresh.
  - cbn.
    rewrite× subst_idempotent_through_many_open.
    rewrite× subst_tt_open_tt.
    rewrite× (@subst_tt_fresh Z P U).
    apply× IHTts.
    unfold open_tt.
    lets× FO: fv_open U (subst_tt Z P Th) 0.
    destruct FO as [FO | FO].
    + rewrite FO.
      apply notin_union; split×.
      apply× subst_removes_var.
    + rewrite× FO.

(* Lemma add_types_map_subst_tb : forall As Z P, *)
(*     map (subst_tb Z P) (add_types empty As) *)
(*     = *)
(*     add_types empty As. *)
(*   induction As as | Ah Ats; introv. *)
(*   - cbn. autorewrite with rew_env_map. trivial. *)
(*   - cbn. autorewrite with rew_env_map. cbn. rewrite IHAts. trivial. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma add_types_through_map : forall Z P E F As, *)
(*     map (subst_tb Z P) (add_types E As & F) *)
(*     = *)
(*     add_types (map (subst_tb Z P) E) As & (map (subst_tb Z P) F). *)
(*   intros. *)
(*   autorewrite with rew_env_map. *)
(*   f_equal. *)
(*   rewrite <- (concat_empty_r E). *)
(*   rewrite add_types_assoc. *)
(*   autorewrite with rew_env_map. *)
(*   rewrite add_types_assoc. *)
(*   f_equal. *)
(*   apply add_types_map_subst_tb. *)
(* Qed. *)

Fixpoint subst_te_many (Xs : list var) (Us : list typ) (e : trm) :=
  match (Xs, Us) with
  (* | ((List.cons X Xt), (List.cons U Ut)) => subst_tt X U (subst_tt_many Xt Ut T) *)
  | ((List.cons X Xt), (List.cons U Ut))subst_te_many Xt Ut (subst_te X U e)
  | _e

Lemma subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens_te : Xs e V Y,
    ( X, List.In X Xs X Y)
    type V
    subst_te Y V (open_te_many_var Xs e) =
    (open_te_many_var Xs (subst_te Y V e)).
  induction Xs as [| Xh Xt]; introv Hneq Htyp.
  - cbn. eauto.
  - cbn.
    fold (open_te_many_var Xt (e open_te_var Xh)).
    fold (open_te_many_var Xt (subst_te Y V e open_te_var Xh)).
    rewrite× subst_te_open_te_var; eauto with listin.

Lemma subst_intro_commutes_opens_te : Xs e Y V,
    Y \notin fv_trm e
    ( X, List.In X Xs X Y)
    type V
    open_te_many_var Xs (open_te e V) =
    subst_te Y V (open_te_many_var Xs (e open_te_var Y)).
  induction Xs as [| Xh Xt]; introv Hfv Hneq Htyp.
  - cbn. apply× subst_te_intro.
  - cbn.
    fold (open_te_many_var Xt (open_te e V open_te_var Xh)).
    fold (open_te_many_var Xt ((e open_te_var Y) open_te_var Xh)).
    rewrite× subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens_te.
    rewrite× <- subst_te_open_te_var.
    + rewrite× <- subst_te_intro.
    + apply× Hneq. cbn; eauto.
    + eauto with listin.

Lemma subst_te_intro_many : Xs e Us,
    length Xs = length Us
    DistinctList Xs
    ( X, List.In X Xs X \notin fv_trm e)
    ( X U, List.In X Xs List.In U Us X \notin fv_typ U)
    ( U, List.In U Us type U)
    open_te_many Us e = subst_te_many Xs Us (open_te_many_var Xs e).
  induction Xs as [| Xh Xt]; introv Hleneq Hdistinct HXfv HXUfv XUtyp.
  - destruct Us.
    + cbv. trivial.
    + inversions Hleneq.
  - destruct Us as [| Uh Ut].
    + inversions Hleneq.
    + cbn.
      fold (open_te_many_var Xt (e open_te_var Xh)).
      inversions Hdistinct.
      rewrite IHXt; auto with listin.
      × f_equal.
        rewrite <- subst_intro_commutes_opens_te; eauto with listin.
        introv Xin.
        intro; subst. contradiction.
      × introv Xin.
        apply fv_open_te; eauto with listin.

Lemma subst_tt_many_free : As Ts T,
    ( A, List.In A As A \notin fv_typ T)
    T = subst_tt_many As Ts T.
  induction As; introv Afresh.
  - cbn. trivial.
  - destruct Ts.
    + cbn. trivial.
    + cbn. rewrite <- IHAs.
      × symmetry. apply subst_tt_fresh.
        auto with listin.
      × intros.
        rewrite subst_tt_fresh;
          auto with listin.

Lemma subst_te_many_commutes_open : As Ts e x vk,
    length As = length Ts
    ( A, List.In A As x A)
    open_ee (subst_te_many As Ts e) (trm_fvar vk x)
    subst_te_many As Ts (open_ee e (trm_fvar vk x)).
  induction As as [| Ah Ats]; introv Hlen Afresh.
  - cbn. auto.
  - destruct Ts as [| Th Tts]; cbn in Hlen; try congruence.
    cbn. fold (open_ee (subst_te_many Ats Tts (subst_te Ah Th e)) (trm_fvar vk x)).
    rewrite IHAts; auto with listin.
    apply subst_te_open_ee_var.

Lemma subst_tb_id_on_fresh : E Z P,
    Z \notin fv_env E
    map (subst_tb Z P) E = E.
  induction E using env_ind; introv FE.
  - rewrite map_empty. trivial.
  - rewrite map_push.
    destruct v.
    rewrite fv_env_extend in FE.
    + apply× IHE.
    + cbn.
      f_equal. f_equal.
      apply subst_tt_fresh. auto.

Lemma subst_tt_many_id_on_fresh : T As Ps,
    ( A, List.In A As A \notin fv_typ T)
    subst_tt_many As Ps T = T.
  induction As; destruct Ps; intros; try solve [cbn in *; congruence].
  rewrite subst_tt_fresh.
  - apply IHAs; auto with listin.
  - auto with listin.

Lemma subst_tb_many_id_on_fresh_env : E As Ps,
    length As = length Ps
    ( A, List.In A As A \notin fv_env E)
    map (subst_tb_many As Ps) E = E.
  rewrite map_def.
  rewrite <- LibList_map.
  rewrite <- map_id; auto.
  intros vb xin.
  destruct vb. cbn.
  f_equal; auto.
  unfold subst_tb_many. destruct b.
  rewrite subst_tt_many_id_on_fresh; auto.
  induction E as [| B E].
  - contradiction.
  - lets HA: H0 H1.
    cbn in HA. fold (fv_env E) in HA.
    lets [? | ?]: List.in_inv xin; subst; cbn in HA; auto.
    apply IHE; auto.
    intros A' Ain.
    lets HA': H0 Ain.
    destruct B; destruct b; cbn in HA'. fold (fv_env E) in HA'.

Lemma subst_commute:
   (X : var) (U : typ) (A : var) (P T : typ),
    X A
    A \notin fv_typ U
    subst_tt X U (subst_tt A P T) = subst_tt A (subst_tt X U P) (subst_tt X U T).
  induction T using typ_ind'; introv Neq Fr; cbn; auto;
    try solve [
          rewrite¬ IHT1; rewrite¬ IHT2
  - repeat case_if; subst; cbn; repeat case_if; eauto.
    rewrite¬ subst_tt_fresh.
  - rewrite¬ IHT.
  - rewrite List.Forall_forall in ×.
    repeat rewrite List.map_map.
    apply List.map_ext_in.
    intros T Tin.
    apply¬ H.

Lemma subst_ee_fix_term : e1 Z e2,
    term e1 term e2 term (subst_ee Z fix_var e2 e1)
with subst_ee_fix_value : e1 Z e2,
    value e1 term e2 value (subst_ee Z fix_var e2 e1).
  - induction 1; intros; simpl; auto.
    + case_if×.
    + apply_fresh× term_abs as y. rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var.
    + apply_fresh× term_tabs as Y; rewrite× subst_ee_open_te_var;
        apply¬ value_regular.
    + apply_fresh× term_fix as y; rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var;
        apply¬ value_regular.
    + apply_fresh× term_let as y. rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var;
                                    apply¬ value_regular.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      intros cl clinmap Alphas x Hlen Hdist Afresh xfresh xfreshA.
      destruct cl as [clA clT].
      unfold map_clause_trm_trm in clinmap.
      lets cl2: clinmap.
      apply List.in_map_iff in cl2.
      destruct cl2 as [[cl'A cl'T] [cl'eq cl'in]].
      inversion cl'eq. subst.
      lets× IH: H1 cl'in Alphas x Hlen Hdist.
      cbn in IH.
      instantiate (1:=(L \u \{ Z })) in Afresh.
      rewrite× <- subst_commutes_with_unrelated_opens_te_ee.
      × rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var.
        apply× IH.
        intros A AAlpha.
        assert (A \notin L \u \{ Z }); solve [apply× Afresh | eauto].
  - induction 1; intros; simpl; auto;
      try match goal with
      | H: term (trm_abs _ _) |- _rename H into Hterm
      | H: term (trm_tabs _) |- _rename H into Hterm
    + apply value_abs. inversions Hterm.
      apply_fresh× term_abs as y. rewrite× subst_ee_open_ee_var.
    + apply value_tabs; inversions Hterm.
      apply_fresh× term_tabs as Y; rewrite× subst_ee_open_te_var;
        apply¬ value_regular.
    + case_if¬.
      inversions C.
    + constructor×.
      inversions H1.
    + inversions H.