
Require Import Helpers.

(* TODO we could modify pDOT code to be modular and instantiate these as strings *)
(* TODO Parameter *)
Parameter Unit : typ_label.
Parameter Tuple : typ_label.
Parameter GenT : typ_label.
Parameter Ai : nat typ_label.
Parameter Bi : nat typ_label.
Parameter T1 : typ_label.
Parameter T2 : typ_label.
Parameter fst_v : trm_label.
Parameter snd_v : trm_label.
(* TODO  consider switching GADTName from var to a separate type, since they are unrelated *)
Parameter GN : Source.GADTName typ_label.
Parameter GC : Source.GADTName nat typ_label.
Parameter data : trm_label.
Parameter mkTuple : trm_label.
Parameter mkUnit : trm_label.
Parameter pmatch : trm_label.
Axiom diff : Unit Tuple
              mkUnit mkTuple
              T1 T2
              fst_v snd_v.

Definition lib : var := proj1_sig (var_fresh \{}).
Local Definition envHlp := var_fresh \{lib}.
Definition env : var := proj1_sig envHlp.
Lemma neq_lib_env : lib env.
  unfold env.
  destruct envHlp.
#[global] Opaque lib.
#[global] Opaque env.

Definition ref (offset : nat) : path :=
  p_sel (avar_b offset) nil.

Definition tupleTyp : Target.typ :=
  μ (
      { T1 >: <: }
      { T2 >: <: }
      { fst_v this T1 }
      { snd_v this T2 }

Definition GenArgT : Target.typ :=
  typ_rcd { GenT >: <: }.

Definition libPreTypeHelp (unitDec : dec) : typ :=
  typ_rcd unitDec
  typ_rcd { Tuple == tupleTyp }
  typ_rcd { mkUnit this Unit }
  typ_rcd { mkTuple
                     ({ T1 >: <: } { T2 >: <: })
                         ((ref 0) T1)
                             ((ref 1) T2)
                              ((ref 3) Tuple { T1 == (ref 2) T1 } { T2 == (ref 2) T2 })

Definition libPreType : Target.typ :=
  libPreTypeHelp { Unit == { Unit >: <: } }.

Definition libType : Target.typ :=
  μ (libPreTypeHelp { Unit >: <: }).

Definition internalTupleTyp :=
  { T1 == (ref 3) T1 }
  { T2 == (ref 3) T2 }
  { fst_v {{ ref 2 }} }
  { snd_v {{ ref 1 }} }.

Definition libInternalType (unitRef : path) :=
  typ_rcd { Unit == { Unit >: <: } }
  typ_rcd { Tuple == tupleTyp }
  typ_rcd { mkUnit {{ unitRef }} }
  typ_rcd { mkTuple
               ({ T1 >: <: } { T2 >: <: })
               ((ref 0) T1)
               ((ref 1) T2)
                  ((ref 3) Tuple { T1 == (ref 2) T1 } { T2 == (ref 2) T2 })

Definition libTrm : Target.trm :=
    (let_trm (ν({ Unit == }) {( {Unit ⦂= } )}))
    (ν(libInternalType (ref 1)) {(
          { Unit ⦂= { Unit >: <: } },
          { Tuple ⦂= tupleTyp },
          { mkUnit := ref 1 },
          { mkTuple :=
              λ ({ T1 >: <: } { T2 >: <: })
                λ ((ref 0) T1)
                λ ((ref 1) T2)
                let_trm (
                      {T1 ⦂= (ref 3) T1},
                      {T2 ⦂= (ref 3) T2},
                      { fst_v := (ref 2) },
                      { snd_v := (ref 1) }

Lemma libTypes : G, G libTrm : libType.
  unfold libTrm. unfold libType.
  let F := gather_vars in
  apply ty_let with F ({ Unit >: <: }).
  1: {
    let F := gather_vars in
    apply ty_let with F (μ { Unit == }).
    - apply_fresh ty_new_intro as u.
    - intros u Fru.
      apply ty_sub with {Unit == }.
      + assert (HU: typ_rcd {Unit == } = open_typ_p (pvar u) {Unit == }) by crush.
        rewrite HU.
        apply ty_rec_elim.
        apply¬ ty_var.
      + apply¬ subtyp_typ.

  intros u Fru.
  let F := gather_vars in
  apply ty_let with F (μ libInternalType (pvar u)).
  - cbv.
    apply_fresh ty_new_intro as z.
    repeat apply ty_defs_cons; try apply ty_defs_one.
    + apply ty_def_typ.
    + apply ty_def_typ.
    + crush. destructs diff. false.
    + apply¬ ty_def_path.
    + crush.
    + apply ty_def_all.
      apply_fresh ty_all_intro as tl.
      apply_fresh ty_all_intro as x1.
      apply_fresh ty_all_intro as x2.
      cbv. repeat case_if.
      clear - Frz Frtl Frx1 Frx2.
      eapply ty_let.
      × apply_fresh ty_new_intro as w.
        repeat apply ty_defs_cons; try apply ty_defs_one;
          auto; try crush.
        -- inversion C. destructs diff. false.
        -- apply¬ ty_def_path.
        -- apply¬ ty_def_path.
        -- inversion C. destructs diff. false.
      × crush.
        let F := gather_vars in
        intros tup Frtup;
          instantiate (1:=F) in Frtup.
        repeat apply ty_and_intro.
        -- eapply ty_sub with (μ (({T1 >: <: } {T2 >: <: }) {fst_v this T1}) {snd_v this T2}).
           ++ apply ty_rec_intro.
              repeat apply ty_and_intro.
              ** match goal with
                 | [ |- context[tup ¬ μ ?T] ] ⇒
                   apply ty_sub with T
                 --- match goal with
                     | [ |- ?G tvar tup : ?T ] ⇒
                       assert (Hre: T = open_typ_p (pvar tup) T) by (cbn; auto);
                         rewrite Hre;
                         clear Hre
                     apply ty_rec_elim. cbn. apply¬ ty_var.
                 --- eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                     eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                     eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                     apply¬ subtyp_typ.
              ** match goal with
                 | [ |- context[tup ¬ μ ?T] ] ⇒
                   apply ty_sub with T
                 --- match goal with
                     | [ |- ?G tvar tup : ?T ] ⇒
                       assert (Hre: T = open_typ_p (pvar tup) T) by (cbn; auto);
                         rewrite Hre;
                         clear Hre
                     apply ty_rec_elim. cbn. apply¬ ty_var.
                 --- eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                     eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                     eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and12.
                     apply¬ subtyp_typ.
              ** apply ty_rcd_intro.
                 apply ty_sngl with (pvar x1).
                 --- apply ty_new_elim.
                     match goal with
                     | [ |- context[tup ¬ μ ?T] ] ⇒
                       apply ty_sub with T
                     +++ match goal with
                         | [ |- ?G tvar tup : ?T ] ⇒
                           assert (Hre: T = open_typ_p (pvar tup) T) by (cbn; auto);
                             rewrite Hre;
                             clear Hre
                         apply ty_rec_elim. cbn. apply¬ ty_var.
                     +++ eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                         eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and12.
                         apply subtyp_refl.
                 --- apply ty_sub with (pvar tl T1).
                     +++ auto.
                     +++ eapply subtyp_sel2.
                         match goal with
                         | [ |- context[tup ¬ μ ?T] ] ⇒
                           apply ty_sub with T
                         *** match goal with
                             | [ |- ?G tvar tup : ?T ] ⇒
                               assert (Hre: T = open_typ_p (pvar tup) T) by (cbn; auto);
                                 rewrite Hre;
                                 clear Hre
                             apply ty_rec_elim. cbn. apply¬ ty_var.
                         *** eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                             eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
              ** apply ty_rcd_intro.
                 apply ty_sngl with (pvar x2).
                 --- apply ty_new_elim.
                     match goal with
                     | [ |- context[tup ¬ μ ?T] ] ⇒
                       apply ty_sub with T
                     +++ match goal with
                         | [ |- ?G tvar tup : ?T ] ⇒
                           assert (Hre: T = open_typ_p (pvar tup) T) by (cbn; auto);
                             rewrite Hre;
                             clear Hre
                         apply ty_rec_elim. cbn. apply¬ ty_var.
                     +++ eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and12.
                         apply subtyp_refl.
                 --- apply ty_sub with (pvar tl T2).
                     +++ auto.
                     +++ eapply subtyp_sel2.
                         match goal with
                         | [ |- context[tup ¬ μ ?T] ] ⇒
                           apply ty_sub with T
                         *** match goal with
                             | [ |- ?G tvar tup : ?T ] ⇒
                               assert (Hre: T = open_typ_p (pvar tup) T) by (cbn; auto);
                                 rewrite Hre;
                                 clear Hre
                             apply ty_rec_elim. cbn. apply¬ ty_var.
                         *** eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                             eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                             eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and12.
           ++ eapply subtyp_sel2.
              match goal with
              | [ |- context [z ¬ ?T] ] ⇒
                apply ty_sub with T
              ** apply¬ ty_var.
              ** eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                 eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
                 apply subtyp_and12.
        -- apply ty_sub with (({T1 == pvar tl T1} {T2 == pvar tl T2}) {fst_v {{pvar x1}}} {snd_v {{pvar x2}}}).
           ++ match goal with
              | [ |- ?G tvar tup : ?T ] ⇒
                assert (Hre: T = open_typ_p (pvar tup) T) by (cbn; auto);
                  rewrite Hre;
                  clear Hre
              apply ty_rec_elim.
              cbn in ×.
              apply ty_var. auto.
           ++ repeat (eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11).
        -- apply ty_sub with (({T1 == pvar tl T1} {T2 == pvar tl T2}) {fst_v {{pvar x1}}} {snd_v {{pvar x2}}}).
           ++ match goal with
              | [ |- ?G tvar tup : ?T ] ⇒
                assert (Hre: T = open_typ_p (pvar tup) T) by (cbn; auto);
                  rewrite Hre;
                  clear Hre
              apply ty_rec_elim.
              cbn in ×.
              apply ty_var. auto.
           ++ eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
              eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
              apply subtyp_and12.
    + crush.
      inversion C17. destructs diff. false.
  - intros x Frx.
    cbv. crush.
    apply ty_rec_intro.
    repeat apply ty_and_intro.
    + match goal with
      | [ |- context [ x ¬ (μ ?B) ] ] ⇒
        apply ty_sub with (open_typ_p (pvar x) B)
      × apply¬ ty_rec_elim.
      × crush.
        eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
        eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
        eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
        apply¬ subtyp_typ.
    + match goal with
      | [ |- context [ x ¬ (μ ?B) ] ] ⇒
        apply ty_sub with (open_typ_p (pvar x) B)
      × apply¬ ty_rec_elim.
      × crush.
        eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
        eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
        eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and12.
        apply¬ subtyp_refl.
    + apply ty_rcd_intro.
      apply ty_sngl with (pvar u).
      × apply ty_new_elim.
        match goal with
        | [ |- context [ x ¬ (μ ?B) ] ] ⇒
          apply ty_sub with (open_typ_p (pvar x) B)
        -- apply¬ ty_rec_elim.
        -- crush.
           eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
           eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and12.
           apply subtyp_refl.
      × apply ty_sub with ({Unit >: <: }).
        -- auto.
        -- eapply subtyp_sel2.
           match goal with
           | [ |- context [ x ¬ (μ ?B) ] ] ⇒
             apply ty_sub with (open_typ_p (pvar x) B)
           ++ apply¬ ty_rec_elim.
           ++ crush.
              eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
              eapply subtyp_trans; try apply subtyp_and11.
    + match goal with
      | [ |- context [ x ¬ (μ ?B) ] ] ⇒
        apply ty_sub with (open_typ_p (pvar x) B)
      ++ apply¬ ty_rec_elim.
      ++ crush.

Definition TupleT (TT1 TT2 : Target.typ) : Target.typ :=
  (pvar lib Tuple) { T1 == TT1 } { T2 == TT2 }.