
Require Import TestCommon.
Require Import Equations.

Axiom Eq : var.

Open Scope L2GMu.
Axiom all_distinct : True.

(* De Bruijn indices for arguments are in 'reverse' order, that is the last arg on the list is treated as 'closest' and referred to as #0 *)
Definition EqDef :=
  enum 2 {{
         (* refl : forall a, () -> Eq a a *)
         mkGADTconstructor 1 typ_unit [##0; ##0]*

Definition sigma :=
  & Eq ¬ EqDef.

Definition Refl := (Eq, 0).

Lemma oksigma : okGadt sigma.
  unfold sigma.
  unfold EqDef.
  lets: is_var_defined_split.
  econstructor; autotyper1;
    try congruence;
    try econstructor; autotyper1;

Definition coerce_typ : typ :=
   γ(##1, ##0) Eq ==> ##1 ==> ##0.

Definition coerce_trm : trm :=
  Λ (* A *) Λ (* B *)
  λ (* eq: Eq A B *) γ(##1, ##0) Eq
  λ (* x : A *) ##1
  case #1 (* eq *) as Eq of {
                   (* α *) 1 (* _: unit *) #1 (* x *)

Lemma coerce_types : {sigma, emptyΔ, empty} ⊢(Tgen) coerce_trm coerce_typ.
  lets: oksigma.
  eapply Tgen_from_any.
    rename x into u;
    rename x0 into A;
    rename x1 into B;
    rename x3 into x.
  rename v into α.
  forwards¬ : H3 α.
  eapply typing_eq with (T1:=A).
  - autotyper4.
  - apply teq_transitivity with α.
    + apply teq_axiom. autotyper4.
    + apply teq_symmetry. apply teq_axiom. autotyper4.
  - autotyper4.

Definition symmetry_typ : typ :=
   γ(##1, ##0) Eq ==> γ(##0, ##1) Eq.

Definition symmetry_trm : trm :=
  Λ (* A *) Λ (* B *)
  λ (* eq: Eq A B *) γ(##1, ##0) Eq
  case #0 (* eq *) as Eq of {
    (* α *) 1 (* _: unit *) new Refl [| ##0 |] ( <.> )

Lemma symmetry_types : {sigma, emptyΔ, empty} ⊢(Tgen) symmetry_trm symmetry_typ.
lets: oksigma.
eapply Tgen_from_any.
eapply typing_eq.
- forwards*: H3 v.
  cbn in ×.
- apply eq_typ_gadt.
  apply F2_iff_In_zip.
  intros T1 T2 In.
  repeat ininv2;
    apply teq_symmetry;
    apply teq_axiom; listin.
- autotyper4.
fs. fs. fs.

Definition transitivity_typ : typ :=
   γ(##2, ##1) Eq ==> γ(##1, ##0) Eq ==> γ(##2, ##0) Eq.

Definition transitivity_trm : trm :=
  Λ Λ Λ λ γ(##2, ##1) Eq λ γ(##1, ##0) Eq
  case #1 as Eq of {
                  case #1 as Eq of {
                                  new Refl [| ##2 |] ( <.> )

Lemma transitivity_types : {sigma, emptyΔ, empty} ⊢(Tgen) transitivity_trm transitivity_typ.
  lets: oksigma.
  eapply Tgen_from_any.
    try solve [cbn in *; autotyper3].
  rename x0 into A.
  rename x1 into B.
  rename x2 into C.
  eapply Tgen_from_any.
  rename v into α.
  forwards¬ : H3 α.
  rename v into β.
  forwards¬ : H8 β.
  eapply typing_eq with (T1:= γ(typ_fvar C, typ_fvar C) Eq).
  - autotyper4.
  - apply eq_typ_gadt.
    apply F2_iff_In_zip.
    intros T1 T2 In.
    repeat ininv2.
    + apply teq_reflexivity.
    + apply teq_transitivity with β.
      1: {
        apply teq_axiom. listin.

      apply teq_transitivity with B.
      1: {
        apply teq_symmetry.
        apply teq_axiom. listin.

      apply teq_transitivity with α.
      1: {
        apply teq_axiom. listin.

      apply teq_symmetry.
      apply teq_axiom. listin.
  - autotyper4.

Definition construct_typ : typ :=
   γ(##3, ##2) Eq ==> γ(##1, ##0) Eq ==> γ(##3 ** ##1, ##2 ** ##0) Eq.

Definition construct_trm : trm :=
  Λ Λ Λ Λ λ γ(##3, ##2) Eq λ γ(##1, ##0) Eq
  case #1 as Eq of {
                  case #1 as Eq of {
                                  new Refl [| ##4 ** ##2 |] ( <.> )

Tuple /\ {T1 == A} ∧ {T2 == B} =:= Tuple /\ {T1 == C} ∧ {T2 == D}

repeat apply intersection_order.
Tuple =:= Tuple
{T1 == A} =:= {T1 == C} <-
  {T1 == A} <: {T1 == C} <-- A =:= C

Lemma construct_types : {sigma, emptyΔ, empty} ⊢(Tgen) construct_trm construct_typ.
  lets: oksigma.
  eapply Tgen_from_any.
    try solve [cbn in *; autotyper3].
  rename x0 into A.
  rename x1 into B.
  rename x2 into C.
  rename x3 into D.
  rename v into α.
  forwards¬ : H3 α.
  rename x4 into eq1.
  rename x5 into eq2.
  rename x into u1.
  eapply Tgen_from_any.
  rename v into β.
  rename x into u2.
  forwards¬ : H8 β.
  eapply typing_eq with (T1 := γ( B ** D, B ** D) Eq).
  1: {

  apply eq_typ_gadt.
  2: {

  apply F2_iff_In_zip.
  intros U V Hin.
  repeat ininv2.
  - apply teq_reflexivity.
  - apply eq_typ_tuple;
      eapply teq_transitivity;
      (apply teq_symmetry + idtac); apply teq_axiom; listin.

Definition destruct_typ : typ :=
   γ(##3 ** ##1, ##2 ** ##0) Eq ==> γ(##3, ##2) Eq.

Definition destruct_trm : trm :=
  Λ Λ Λ Λ λ γ(##3 ** ##1, ##2 ** ##0) Eq
                    case #0 as Eq of {
                                    new Refl [| ##3 |] ( <.> )

Lemma destruct_types : {sigma, emptyΔ, empty} ⊢(Tgen) destruct_trm destruct_typ.
  lets: oksigma.
  eapply Tgen_from_any.
    try solve [cbn in *; autotyper3].
  rename x0 into A.
  rename x1 into B.
  rename x2 into C.
  rename x3 into D.
  rename v into α.
  forwards¬ : H3 α.
  rename x4 into eq1.
  rename x into u1.
  eapply Tgen_from_any.
  eapply typing_eq with (T1:=γ(typ_fvar B, typ_fvar B) Eq).
  1: {

  apply eq_typ_gadt.
  2: {

  apply F2_iff_In_zip.
  intros U V Hin.
  repeat ininv2.
  - apply teq_reflexivity.
  - match goal with
    | [ |- entails_semantic ?Σ ?Δ (?E) ] ⇒
      assert (entails_semantic Σ Δ ((A ** C) (B ** D)))
    + apply teq_transitivity with α;
        (apply teq_symmetry + idtac); apply teq_axiom; listin.
    + lets []: inversion_eq_tuple H1.
      apply teq_symmetry.