
Require Import GMuAnnot.Prelude.
Require Import GMuAnnot.Infrastructure.

Open Scope list_scope.

(* Proofs regarding proposition 2.1 from the paper *)
Section SimpleEquationProperties.

  Variable Σ : GADTEnv.

  Lemma teq_reflexivity : Δ T,
      entails_semantic Σ Δ (T T).

  Lemma teq_symmetry : Δ T U,
      entails_semantic Σ Δ (T U)
      entails_semantic Σ Δ (U T).
    cbn. intros.

  Lemma teq_transitivity : Δ T U V,
      entails_semantic Σ Δ (T U)
      entails_semantic Σ Δ (U V)
      entails_semantic Σ Δ (T V).
    cbn. intros.
    transitivity (subst_tt' U Θ); auto.

  Lemma subst_has_no_fv : Σ Δ Θ,
      subst_matches_typctx Σ Δ Θ
      ( X U, List.In (X, U) Θ fv_typ U = \{}).
    induction 1; introv Hin.
    - false.
    - cbn in Hin.
      destruct Hin as [Hin | Hin].
      + inversions Hin.
        lets Hfv: wft_gives_fv H.
        cbn in Hfv.
        apply¬ fset_extens.
      + apply× IHsubst_matches_typctx.
    - apply× IHsubst_matches_typctx.

  Lemma teq_axiom : Δ T U,
      List.In (tc_eq (T U)) Δ
      entails_semantic Σ Δ (T U).
    unfold entails_semantic.
    induction Δ; introv Hin M.
    - contradiction.
    - cbn in Hin.
      destruct Hin as [Hin | Hin].
      + subst. inversion M.
      + inversion M; auto.
        repeat rewrite subst_tt_inside; auto.
        × f_equal.
          apply IHΔ; auto.
        × introv Uin.
          lets Fr: subst_has_no_fv Uin.
          -- eauto.
          -- rewrite Fr. apply notin_empty.
        × introv Uin.
          lets Fr: subst_has_no_fv Uin.
          -- eauto.
          -- rewrite Fr. apply notin_empty.

End SimpleEquationProperties.

Ltac fold_from_list :=
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [ H: context[LibList.fold_right (fun (x : var) (acc : fset var) ⇒ \{ x} \u acc) \{} ?L] |- _ ] ⇒
    fold (from_list L) in H
  | |- context[LibList.fold_right (fun (x : var) (acc : fset var) ⇒ \{ x} \u acc) \{} ?L] ⇒
    fold (from_list L)

Lemma notin_from_list : As (A : var),
    ¬ (List.In A As)
    A \notin from_list As.
  intro HF.
  lets [A' [Hin Heq]]: in_from_list HF.

Lemma spawn_unit_subst : Σ As,
    DistinctList As
     Θ, length Θ = length As subst_matches_typctx Σ (tc_vars As) Θ substitution_sources Θ = from_list As.
  induction As as [| Ah Ats]; introv ADist.
  - cbn.
     (@nil (var × typ)).
  - inversions ADist.
    destruct IHAts as [LT [Len [Match Src]]]; auto.
     ((Ah, typ_unit) :: LT).
    + cbn. auto.
    + constructor;
        fold ( tc_var Ats);
        fold (tc_vars Ats);
      × rewrite Src.
        apply¬ notin_from_list.
      × apply notin_dom_tc_vars.
        apply¬ notin_from_list.
    + cbn.
      fold (substitution_sources LT).
      rewrite Src.

Lemma only_vars_is_tc_vars : Δ,
    ( tc, List.In tc Δ A, tc = tc_var A)
     As, Δ = tc_vars As.
  induction Δ as [| [A | eq] Δt].
  - cbn. intros. (@nil var). cbn. trivial.
  - cbn. intro Hin.
    lets× [Ats EQ]: IHΔt.
     (A :: Ats). cbn.
    fold (tc_vars Ats).
  - cbn. intro Hin.
    false¬ Hin. congruence.

Lemma contradictory_env_test_0 : Σ Δ,
    entails_semantic Σ Δ (typ_unit (typ_unit ** typ_unit))
    contradictory_bounds Σ Δ.
  introv Heq.
  unfold contradictory_bounds.
  unfold entails_semantic in ×.
  introv Hmatch.
  lets HF: Heq Hmatch.
  rewrite subst_ttΘ_fresh in HF.
  - rewrite subst_ttΘ_fresh in HF.
    + false.
    + cbn. rewrite union_empty_r.
      rewrite¬ inter_empty_r.
  - cbn.
    rewrite¬ inter_empty_r.

Lemma subst_ttΘ_into_abs : Θ A B,
    subst_tt' (A ==> B) Θ
    (subst_tt' A Θ) ==> (subst_tt' B Θ).
  induction Θ as [| [X T] Θ]; cbn in *; trivial.
Lemma subst_ttΘ_into_tuple : Θ A B,
    subst_tt' (A ** B) Θ
    (subst_tt' A Θ) ** (subst_tt' B Θ).
  induction Θ as [| [X T] Θ]; cbn in *; trivial.

Lemma contradictory_env_test : Σ Δ A B C D,
    entails_semantic Σ Δ ((A ==> B) (C ** D))
    contradictory_bounds Σ Δ.
  introv Heq.
  unfold contradictory_bounds.
  unfold entails_semantic in ×.
  introv Hmatch.
  lets HF: Heq Hmatch.
  rewrite subst_ttΘ_into_abs in HF.
  rewrite subst_ttΘ_into_tuple in HF.

Lemma empty_is_not_contradictory : Σ,
    ¬ (contradictory_bounds Σ emptyΔ).
  intro HF.
  unfold contradictory_bounds in HF.
  asserts M: (subst_matches_typctx Σ emptyΔ (@nil (var×typ)));
    try econstructor.
  lets F: HF typ_unit (typ_unit ** typ_unit) (@nil (var × typ)) M.
  cbn in F.

Lemma typing_exfalso : Σ Δ E e T1 T2 TT,
    {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(TT) e T1
    contradictory_bounds Σ Δ
    wft Σ Δ T2
    {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(Tgen) e T2.
  introv Typ Bounds.
  eapply typing_eq; eauto.

Lemma inversion_typing_eq : Σ Δ E e T TT,
    {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(TT) e T
      {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(Treg) e T' entails_semantic Σ Δ (T T').
  introv Htyp.
  lets Htyp2: Htyp.
  induction Htyp;
    try match goal with
        | [ H: {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(Treg) ?e ?T |- _ ] ⇒
           T; split~; auto using teq_reflexivity
  lets [T' [IHTyp IHeq]]: IHHtyp Htyp.
  eauto using teq_symmetry, teq_transitivity.

Lemma subst_has_no_fv2 : Σ Δ Θ Y,
    subst_matches_typctx Σ Δ Θ
    ( A U, List.In (A, U) Θ Y \notin fv_typ U).
  introv M Hin.
  lets EQ: subst_has_no_fv M Hin.
  rewrite EQ.

Lemma inversion_eq_arrow : Σ Δ TA1 TB1 TA2 TB2,
    entails_semantic Σ Δ ((TA1 ==> TB1) (TA2 ==> TB2))
    entails_semantic Σ Δ (TA1 TA2)
    entails_semantic Σ Δ (TB1 TB2).
  introv Sem; cbn in ×.
       introv M;
    lets EQ: Sem M;
    repeat rewrite subst_tt_prime_reduce_arrow in EQ;
    inversion¬ EQ.

Lemma inversion_eq_tuple : Σ Δ TA1 TB1 TA2 TB2,
    entails_semantic Σ Δ ((TA1 ** TB1) (TA2 ** TB2))
    entails_semantic Σ Δ (TA1 TA2)
    entails_semantic Σ Δ (TB1 TB2).
  introv Sem; cbn in ×.
       introv M;
    lets EQ: Sem M;
    repeat rewrite subst_tt_prime_reduce_tuple in EQ;
    inversion¬ EQ.

Lemma inversion_eq_typ_all : Σ Δ T U,
    entails_semantic Σ Δ (typ_all T typ_all U)
    entails_semantic Σ Δ (T U).
  introv Sem; cbn in ×.
  introv M;
    lets EQ: Sem M;
    repeat rewrite subst_tt_prime_reduce_typ_all in EQ;
    inversion¬ EQ.

Lemma inversion_eq_typ_gadt : Σ Δ Ts Us N,
    List.length Ts = List.length Us
    entails_semantic Σ Δ (typ_gadt Ts N typ_gadt Us N)
    List.Forall2 (fun T Uentails_semantic Σ Δ (T U)) Ts Us.
  introv Len Sem.
  apply F2_iff_In_zip.
  intros T U In.
  cbn in ×.
  introv M.
  lets EQ: Sem M.
  repeat rewrite subst_tt_prime_reduce_typ_gadt in EQ.
  inversion EQ as [EQ2].
  lets¬ : lists_map_eq EQ2 In.

Lemma equations_from_lists_map : F F1 F2 Ts Us,
    List.length Ts = List.length Us
    ( T U, List.In (T,U) (zip Ts Us) F (tc_eq (T U)) = tc_eq (F1 T F2 U)) F (equations_from_lists Ts Us)
    equations_from_lists ( F1 Ts) ( F2 Us).
  induction Ts as [| T Ts]; destruct Us as [| U Us];
    introv Len; try solve [inversion¬ Len].
  introv EQ.
  fold (equations_from_lists Ts Us).
  fold (equations_from_lists ( F1 Ts) ( F2 Us)).
  - apply EQ. cbn. auto.
  - apply× IHTs.
    introv In.
    apply EQ. cbn. auto.