
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import GMuAnnot.Prelude.
Require Import GMuAnnot.Infrastructure.
Require Import GMuAnnot.Equations.
Require Import TLC.LibLN.
Require Import TLC.LibEnv.


Defines basic properties of well formed types and typing judgement.

Properties of well-formedness of a type in an environment

If a type is well-formed in an environment then it is locally closed.

Lemma type_from_wft : Σ E T,
  wft Σ E T type T.
  induction 1; eauto.

#[export] Hint Resolve type_from_wft.

(* Lemma values_decidable : forall t, *)
(*     term t -> *)
(*     (value t \/ ~ (value t)). *)
(*   induction t; intro H; *)
(*   inversion H; subst; try solve  *)
(*                      right; intro Hv; inversion Hv *)
(*                    | left; econstructor *)
(*                           ]. *)
(*   -  *)
(*   - match goal with *)
(*     | H: term t |- _ => rename H into Ht end. *)
(*     apply IHt in Ht. *)
(*     destruct Ht as Hv | Hv. *)
(*     + left; constructor*. *)
(*     + right. intro Hv'. inversion* Hv'. *)
(*   - match goal with *)
(*     | H: term t1 |- _ => rename H into Ht1 end. *)
(*     match goal with *)
(*     | H: term t2 |- _ => rename H into Ht2 end. *)
(*     apply IHt1 in Ht1. *)
(*     apply IHt2 in Ht2. *)
(*     destruct Ht1; *)
(*       destruct Ht2; *)
(*       try solve  left; econstructor; eauto *)
(*                 | right; intro Hv; inversion Hv; congruence ]. *)
(*   - left; econstructor. *)
(*     econstructor; eauto. *)
(*   - left; econstructor. *)
(*     econstructor; eauto. *)
(* Qed. *)

Ltac IHap IH := eapply IH; eauto;
                try (unfold open_ee; rewrite <- open_ee_var_preserves_size);
                try (unfold open_te; rewrite <- open_te_var_preserves_size);
                cbn; lia.

(* Lemma wft_weaken : forall Σ Δ E F G T, *)
(*     wft Σ Δ (E & G) T -> *)
(*     ok (E & F & G) -> *)
(*     wft Σ Δ (E & F & G) T. *)
(*   introv Hwft Hok. gen_eq K: (E & G). gen E F G. *)
(*   induction Hwft; intros; subst; auto. *)
(*   - (* case: var *) *)
(*     apply (@wft_var Σ (E0 & F & G) X).  apply* binds_weaken. *)
(*   - (* case: all *) *)
(*     apply_fresh* wft_all as X. apply_ih_bind* H0. *)
(*   - econstructor; eauto. *)
(* Qed. *)

#[export] Hint Resolve subst_tt_type subst_te_term subst_ee_term.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_te_value subst_ee_value.

Lemma okt_is_ok : Σ Δ E, okt Σ Δ E ok E.
  introv. intro Hokt.
  induction Hokt; eauto.
#[export] Hint Extern 1 (ok _) ⇒ apply okt_is_ok.

Lemma wft_from_env_has_typ : Σ Δ x vk U E,
    okt Σ Δ E binds x (bind_var vk U) E wft Σ Δ U.
  induction E using env_ind; intros Ok B.
  false× binds_empty_inv.
  inversions Ok.
  - false (empty_push_inv H).
  - destruct (eq_push_inv H) as [? [? ?]]; subst. clear H.
    lets [[? HT] | [? HB]]: binds_push_inv B.
    + inversion× HT.
    + apply× IHE.

Lemma wft_strengthen_typ : Σ D1 D2 U T,
    U \notin fv_typ T
    wft Σ (D1 |,| [tc_var U]* |,| D2) T wft Σ (D1 |,| D2) T.
  introv Ufresh Hwft. gen_eq G: (D1 |,| [tc_var U]* |,| D2). gen D2.
  induction Hwft; intros D2 EQ; cbn in Ufresh; subst; auto.
  - apply× wft_var.
    repeat destruct_in_app;
      unfold is_var_defined; eauto using List.in_or_app.
    cbn in H. intuition. inversions H0. exfalso; eauto using in_singleton_self.
  - (* todo: binds_cases tactic *)
    match goal with
    | H: X, X \notin L ?P3 F0, ?P1 ?P2 |- _
      rename H into H_ctxEq_implies_wft end.
    apply_fresh× wft_all as Y.
    lets× IH: H_ctxEq_implies_wft Y (D2 |, tc_var Y).
    + lets [Hfv | Hfv]: fv_open T2 (typ_fvar Y) 0;
        cbn in Hfv; unfold open_tt; rewrite Hfv; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto.

Lemma wft_strengthen_equation : Σ D1 D2 ϵ T,
    wft Σ (D1 |,| [tc_eq ϵ]* |,| D2) T
    wft Σ (D1 |,| D2) T.
  introv Hwft. gen_eq G: (D1 |,| [tc_eq ϵ]* |,| D2). gen D2.
  induction Hwft; intros D2 EQ; subst; auto.
  - apply× wft_var.
    unfold is_var_defined in ×.
    lets [Hin | Hin]: List.in_app_or H.
    + apply List.in_or_app; left¬.
    + lets [? | ?]: List.in_app_or Hin.
      × inversion H0; false×.
      × apply List.in_or_app; right¬.
  - apply_fresh wft_all as X.
    lets IH: H0 X (D2 |, tc_var X); auto.
  - econstructor; eauto.

Lemma wft_strengthen_equations : Σ D1 Deqs D2 T,
    wft Σ (D1 |,| Deqs |,| D2) T
    ( eq, List.In eq Deqs ϵ, eq = tc_eq ϵ)
    wft Σ (D1 |,| D2) T.
  induction Deqs; introv Hwft Heqs.
  - clean_empty_Δ. auto.
  - destruct a.
    + lets [? ?]: Heqs (tc_var A); auto with listin.
    + fold_delta.
      apply IHDeqs.
      × apply× wft_strengthen_equation.
        repeat rewrite List.app_assoc in *; eauto.
      × intros eq1 Hin.
        lets Hl: Heqs eq1.
        apply Hl.
        cbn. right¬.

Lemma wft_strengthen_typ_many : Σ As Δ T,
    wft Σ (Δ |,| tc_vars As) T
    ( A, List.In A As A \notin fv_typ T)
    wft Σ Δ T.
  induction As as [| Ah Ats]; introv Hwft Asfresh.
  - cbn in ×. clean_empty_Δ.
  - cbn in ×. fold_delta. fold_delta.
    apply× IHAts.
    lets W: wft_strengthen_typ Σ (Δ |,| tc_vars Ats) emptyΔ.
    apply¬ W.
(* Lemma wft_strengthen : forall Σ Δ E F x U T, *)
(*  wft Σ Δ (E & (x ~: U) & F) T -> wft Σ (E & F) T. *)
(* Proof. *)
(*   introv Hwft. gen_eq G: (E & (x ~: U) & F). gen F. *)
(*   induction Hwft; intros F EQ; subst; auto. *)
(*   - *)
(*     match goal with *)
(*     | H: binds _ _ _ |- _ => *)
(*       rename H into Hbinds_bindtyp end. *)
(*     apply* (@wft_var). *)
(*     destruct (binds_concat_inv Hbinds_bindtyp) as ?|[? Hbinds2]. *)
(*     + apply~ binds_concat_right. *)
(*     + destruct (binds_push_inv Hbinds2) as [? ?]|[? ?]. *)
(*       * subst. false. *)
(*       * apply~ binds_concat_left. *)
(*   - (* todo: binds_cases tactic *) *)
(*     match goal with *)
(*     | H: forall X, X \notin L -> forall F0, ?P1 -> ?P2 |- _ => *)
(*       rename H into H_ctxEq_implies_wft end. *)
(*     apply_fresh* wft_all as Y. apply_ih_bind* H_ctxEq_implies_wft. *)
(*   - econstructor; eauto. *)
(* Qed. *)

Lemma okt_implies_okgadt : Σ Δ E, okt Σ Δ E okGadt Σ.
  induction 1; auto.

Ltac find_ctxeq :=
  match goal with
  | H: _ & _ ¬ _ = _ & _ ¬ _ |- _
    rename H into Hctx_eq

Lemma okt_push_var_inv : Σ Δ E x vk T,
  okt Σ Δ (E & x ¬ bind_var vk T) okt Σ Δ E wft Σ Δ T x # E.
  introv O; inverts O.
  - false× empty_push_inv.
  - find_ctxeq. lets (?&M&?): (eq_push_inv Hctx_eq). subst. inverts¬ M.

Lemma okt_is_wft : Σ Δ E x vk T,
    okt Σ Δ (E & x ¬ bind_var vk T) wft Σ Δ T.
  introv Hokt.
  inversion Hokt.
  - false× empty_push_inv.
  (* - lets (?&?&?): eq_push_inv H. false*. *)
  - lets (?&?&?): eq_push_inv H. subst.
    match goal with Heq: bind_var ?k1 ?T1 = bind_var ?k2 ?T2 |- _inversions× Heq end.

Lemma okt_strengthen : Σ Δ E x vk U F,
    okt Σ Δ (E & (x ¬ bind_var vk U) & F) okt Σ Δ (E & F).
  introv O. induction F using env_ind.
  - rewrite concat_empty_r in ×. lets*: (okt_push_var_inv O).
  - rewrite concat_assoc in ×.
    (* lets Hinv: okt_push_inv O; inversions Hinv. *)
    (* + lets (?&?): (okt_push_typ_inv O). *)
    (*   applys~ okt_sub. *)
    (* + match goal with *)
    (*   | H: exists T, v = bind_var T |- _ => *)
    (*     rename H into Hexists_bindvar end. *)
      (* inversions Hexists_bindvar. *)
    (* lets (?&?&?): (okt_push_var_inv O). *)
    destruct v.
    inversions O.
    + false× empty_push_inv.
    + apply eq_push_inv in H.
      destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
      match goal with
      | [ H: bind_var ?vk1 ?T = bind_var ?vk2 ?t |- _ ] ⇒ inversions H
      applys¬ okt_typ.

Lemma okt_strengthen_delta_var : Σ D1 D2 E X,
    X # E
    X \notin fv_env E
    okt Σ (D1 |,| [tc_var X]* |,| D2) E okt Σ (D1 |,| D2) E.
  introv FXE FXTE O. induction E using env_ind.
  - constructor.
    lets*: okt_implies_okgadt.
  - destruct v as [T].
    inversions O.
    + lets*: empty_push_inv H.
    + lets [? [? ?]]: eq_push_inv H.
      match goal with
      | H: bind_var ?vk1 ?A = bind_var ?vk2 ?B |- _inversions H
      lets [? ?]: notin_env_inv FXTE.
      constructor; auto.
      × apply wft_strengthen_typ with X; auto.
      × apply notin_domΔ_eq.
        apply notin_domΔ_eq in H5.
        destruct H5.
        apply notin_domΔ_eq in H5.

Lemma okt_is_type : Σ Δ E x vk T,
    okt Σ Δ (E & x ¬ bind_var vk T) type T.
  introv Hokt. apply okt_is_wft in Hokt. apply× type_from_wft.

Lemma wft_type : Σ Δ T,
    wft Σ Δ T type T.
  induction 1; eauto.

Lemma wft_weaken : Σ D1 D2 D3 T,
    wft Σ (D1 |,| D3) T
    wft Σ (D1 |,| D2 |,| D3) T.
  introv WT. gen_eq K: (D1 |,| D3). gen D3.
  induction WT; auto; introv EQ.
  - constructor. unfold is_var_defined in ×.
    lets [? | ?]: List.in_app_or H;
      auto using List.in_or_app.
  - apply_fresh× wft_all as Y.
    assert (Yfr: Y \notin L); eauto.
    lets: H0 Yfr (D3 |, tc_var Y).
    assert (Hassoc: ((D1 |,| D2) |,| (D3 |, tc_var Y)) = (((D1 |,| D2) |,| D3) |,| [tc_var Y]*));
      auto using List.app_assoc.
    rewrite <- Hassoc.
    apply H1. subst. auto using List.app_assoc.
  - apply× wft_gadt.

Ltac destruct_app_list :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: List.In ?X (?L ++ ?K) |- _ ] ⇒
    apply List.in_app_or in H; destruct H

Lemma wft_subst_tb : Σ D1 D2 Z P T,
  wft Σ (D1 |,| [tc_var Z]* |,| D2) T
  wft Σ D1 P
  wft Σ (D1 |,| D2) (subst_tt Z P T).
  introv WT WP; gen_eq G: (D1 |,| [tc_var Z]* |,| D2). gen D2.
  induction WT; intros; subst; simpl subst_tt; auto.
  - case_var×.
    + lets Hw: wft_weaken D1 D2 emptyΔ.
      repeat rewrite List.app_nil_r in ×.
      apply× Hw.
    + constructor. unfold is_var_defined in ×.
      repeat destruct_app_list; auto using List.in_or_app.
      cbn in H. destruct H.
      × congruence.
      × contradiction.
  - apply_fresh× wft_all as Y.
    lets: wft_type.
    rewrite× subst_tt_open_tt_var.
    lets× IH: H0 Y (D2 |, tc_var Y).
  - apply× wft_gadt.
    + introv Tin.
      apply List.in_map_iff in Tin.
      destruct Tin as [U [? Tin]]; subst.
      apply× H0.
    + apply List.map_length.

Lemma wft_open : Σ Δ U T1,
  wft Σ Δ (typ_all T1)
  wft Σ Δ U
  wft Σ Δ (open_tt T1 U).
  introv WA WU. inversions WA. pick_fresh X.
  rewrite× (@subst_tt_intro X).
  lets K: (@wft_subst_tb Σ Δ emptyΔ X).
  apply× K.

GADT environment properties

#[export] Hint Resolve okt_is_ok.

Lemma gadt_constructor_ok : Σ Name Tarity Ctors Ctor Carity CargType CretTypes,
    binds Name (mkGADT Tarity Ctors) Σ
    List.nth_error Ctors Ctor = Some (mkGADTconstructor Carity CargType CretTypes)
    okGadt Σ
    okConstructorDef Σ Tarity (mkGADTconstructor Carity CargType CretTypes).
  introv Hbind Hlist HokG.
  inversion HokG as [Hok HokG'].
  apply× HokG'.
  apply× List.nth_error_In.

Lemma wft_subst_tb_many : Σ (As : list var) (Us : list typ) Δ (T : typ),
    length As = length Us
      wft Σ (Δ |,| tc_vars As) T
      ( U, List.In U Us wft Σ Δ U)
      (* (forall A, List.In A As -> A \notin dom E) -> *)
      DistinctList As
      wft Σ Δ (subst_tt_many As Us T).
  induction As as [|Ah Ats];
    introv Hlen HwftT WwftUs HD;
    destruct Us as [|Uh Uts]; inversion Hlen.
  - cbn in ×.
  - cbn in ×. inversions HD.
    apply IHAts; eauto with listin.
    fold (tc_vars Ats) in HwftT.
    fold ((Δ |,| tc_vars Ats) |,| [tc_var Ah]*) in HwftT.
    lets W: wft_subst_tb Σ (Δ |,| tc_vars Ats) emptyΔ.
    apply¬ W.
    rewrite <- (List.app_nil_l (Δ |,| tc_vars Ats)).
    apply¬ wft_weaken.

Lemma wft_open_many : Δ Σ Alphas Ts U,
    length Alphas = length Ts
    DistinctList Alphas
    (* (forall A : var, List.In A Alphas -> A \notin dom E) -> *)
    ( A : var, List.In A Alphas A \notin fv_typ U)
    ( (A : var) (T : typ), List.In A Alphas List.In T Ts A \notin fv_typ T)
    ( T : typ, List.In T Ts wft Σ Δ T)
    wft Σ (Δ |,| tc_vars Alphas) (open_tt_many_var Alphas U)
    wft Σ Δ (open_tt_many Ts U).
  introv Hlen Hdistinct FU FT WT WU.
  rewrite× (@subst_tt_intro_many Alphas).
  - lets Htb: (@wft_subst_tb_many Σ Alphas Ts).
    specializes_vars Htb.
    apply× Htb.

Hint Rewrite in_union : fsets.

Lemma notin_fv_wf : Σ Δ X T,
    wft Σ Δ T (¬ is_var_defined Δ X) X \notin fv_typ T.
  induction 1 as [ | ? ? ? Hbinds | | | |];
    introv Fr; simpl; eauto.
  - rewrite notin_singleton. intro. subst. contradiction.
  - notin_simpl; auto. pick_fresh Y. apply× (@notin_fv_tt_open Y).
    apply× H0.
    intro HF.
    destruct HF as [HF | HF].
    + inversions HF.
      assert (X \notin \{ X}); eauto using in_singleton_self.
    + contradiction.
  - intro Hin.
    lets× Hex: in_fold_exists Hin.
    destruct Hex as [Hex | Hex].
    + destruct Hex as [T [Tin fvT]].
      lets× Hf: H0 T Tin.
    + apply× in_empty_inv.

Lemma typing_regular : Σ Δ E e T TT,
    {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(TT) e T
    okt Σ Δ E term e wft Σ Δ T.
  intro Hbounds.
  introv Typ.
  lets Typ2: Typ.
  induction Typ as [ |
                   | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IH
                   | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IH
                   | | | |
                   | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IHval ? IH
                   | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IH
    try solve [splits*].
  - splits×. apply× wft_from_env_has_typ.
  - subst. destruct IHTyp as [Hokt [Hterm Hwft]]; auto.
    lets× HG: okt_implies_okgadt Hokt.
    lets× GADTC: gadt_constructor_ok HG.
    inversions GADTC.
    rewrite rewrite_open_tt_many_gadt.
    econstructor; eauto.
    + introv TiL.
      lets× TiL2: TiL. apply List.in_map_iff in TiL2.
      inversion TiL2 as [CretT [Heq CiC]]. subst.
      let usedvars := gather_vars in
      lets× EAlphas: exist_alphas (usedvars) (length Ts).
      inversion EAlphas as [Alphas [A1 [A2 A3]]].
      lets× HH: H9 Alphas CiC.
      apply (@wft_open_many Δ Σ Alphas Ts); auto.
      × introv Ain; lets¬ FA: A3 Ain.
      × introv Ain Tin; lets¬ FA: A3 Ain.
        eauto using fv_typs_notin.
      × eauto.
    + rewrite List.map_length. trivial.
  - pick_fresh y.
    copyTo IH IH1.
    assert (yL: y \notin L); eauto.
    lets¬ [? [? ?]]: IH yL.
    + apply_folding E okt_strengthen.
    + econstructor.
      × apply× okt_is_type.
      × intros. apply× IH1.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      apply× okt_is_wft.
  - splits×.
    destruct¬ IHTyp2 as [? [? Hwft]]. inversion× Hwft.
  - copyTo IH IH1.
    pick_fresh_gen (L \u fv_env E \u dom E) y.
    add_notin y L. lets¬ HF: IH Fr0. destructs¬ HF.
    × rewrite <- (List.app_nil_l Δ).
      apply okt_strengthen_delta_var with y; eauto.
    × apply× term_tabs. intros. apply× IH1.
    × apply_fresh× wft_all as Y.
      add_notin Y L. lets¬ HF: IH1 Y Fr1. destruct× HF.
  - subst. splits×. destruct¬ IHTyp as [? [? Hwft]].
    copyTo Hwft Hwft2.
    inversions Hwft.
    match goal with
    | IH: X : var, X \notin L ?conclusion |- _
      pick_fresh Y; add_notin Y L; lets HW: IH Y Fr0
    apply× wft_open.
  - splits×.
    destruct¬ IHTyp as [? [? Hwft]]. inversion× Hwft.
  - splits×.
    destruct¬ IHTyp as [? [? Hwft]]. inversion× Hwft.
  - pick_fresh y.
    copyTo IH IH1.
    specializes IH1 y. destructs¬ IH1.
    + apply_folding E okt_strengthen.
    + econstructor. apply× okt_is_type.
      intros. apply× IH.
      intros. apply× IHval.
  - destructs¬ IHTyp.
    pick_fresh y.
    assert (yFr: y \notin L); eauto.
    lets IH1: H yFr.
    destructs¬ IH1.
    econstructor; auto.
    introv HxiL. lets HF: H x HxiL. destructs¬ HF.
  - destruct¬ IHTyp as [Hokt [Hterme HwftT]].
    + econstructor; eauto.
      2: {
        lets× OKG: okt_implies_okgadt Hokt.
        inversions OKG.
        lets*: H6 H0.
        destruct Defs as [|Def0].
        1: {
          destruct H. false×.

        destruct ms as [|cl0].
        1: {

        lets [Alphas [? [?]]]: exist_alphas L (Carity Def0).
        pick_fresh x.
        lets¬ : H4 Def0 cl0 Alphas x.
        - cbn. auto.
        - destruct H10; eauto.
          + apply× H3. cbn. auto.
          + destruct H11.
          apply× type_from_wft.
      intros cl clin Alphas x Hlen Hdist Afresh xfresh xAlphas.
      destruct cl as [clA clT].
      apply F2_from_zip in H4; eauto.
      lets× [Def [DefIn [DefIn2 HDef]]]: forall2_from_snd clin.
      cbn in HDef.
      cbn in Hlen.
      lets Hlen2: H2 DefIn2.
      cbn in Hlen2.
      assert (Hlen3: length Alphas = Carity Def); try lia.
      lets¬ HF: HDef Alphas x Hlen3 Hdist Afresh.
      lets¬ [? [? ?]]: HF xfresh xAlphas.
      lets¬ HT: H3 Def (clause clA clT) Alphas x.
    + assert (ms []*).
      × lets gadtOk: okt_implies_okgadt Hokt.
        inversion gadtOk as [? okDefs].
        lets [defNEmpty okDef]: okDefs H0.
        destruct Defs; subst; eauto. cbn in H1. lia.
      × destruct ms as [ | cl1 rest]; [ contradiction | idtac ].
        apply F2_from_zip in H3; eauto.
        lets× [Def [DefIn [DefIn2 HDef]]]: forall2_from_snd cl1 H3;
          eauto with listin.

        (* May want a tactic 'pick_fresh Alphas' *)
        lets× [Alphas [A1 [A2 A3]]]: exist_alphas (Carity Def).
        instantiate (1:=L \u fv_typ Tc) in A3.
        pick_fresh x.

        assert (Afresh: ( A : var, List.In A Alphas A \notin L));
          [ introv Ain; lets*: A3 Ain | idtac ].
        assert (xfresh: x \notin L); eauto.

        assert (xfreshA: x \notin from_list Alphas); eauto.

        lets× HTyp: HDef A1 A2 Afresh xfresh xfreshA.
        lets¬ [? [? Hwft2]]: H4 HTyp.
        apply wft_strengthen_typ_many with Alphas; auto.
        -- rewrite <- (List.app_nil_l (Δ |,| tc_vars Alphas)).
           eapply wft_strengthen_equations.
           ++ clean_empty_Δ.
              apply Hwft2.
           ++ introv Hin.
              unfold equations_from_lists in Hin.
              rewrite zipWithIsMappedZip in Hin.
              apply List.in_map_iff in Hin.
              destruct Hin as [[U V] [Heq Hin]]. subst.
        -- introv Ain. lets*: A3 Ain.

The reduction relation is restricted to well-formed objects.

(* does not seem to be helpful for proving safety, just a useful result on its own, but let's ignore it while there are more pressing theorems to prove *)
(* Lemma red_regular : forall t t', *)
(*   red t t' -> term t /\ term t'. *)
(* Proof. *)
(*   induction 1; split; autos* value_regular. *)
(*   - inversions H. pick_fresh y. rewrite* (@subst_ee_intro y). *)
(*   - inversions H. pick_fresh Y. rewrite* (@subst_te_intro Y). *)
(*   - inversions H. pick_fresh y. rewrite* (@subst_ee_intro y). *)
(*   - inversions H. auto. *)
(*   - inversions H. auto. *)
(*   - inversions IHred. econstructor. *)
(* Qed. *)

Lemma typing_implies_term : Σ Δ E e T TT,
    {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(TT) e T
    term e.
  introv Typ.
  lets× TR: typing_regular Typ.

Lemma Tgen_from_any : Σ Δ E TT e T,
    {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(TT) e T
    {Σ, Δ, E} ⊢(Tgen) e T.
  introv Typ.
  applys¬ typing_eq T TT.
  - apply teq_reflexivity.
  - lets× : typing_regular Typ.